Genoa: Inter-force anti-crime service in the area of Prè, Historic Center, Darsena and Maddalena
control of the territory
Genoa: Inter-force anti-crime service in the area of Prè, Historic Center, Darsena and Maddalena
The Head of the Prè Police Station directed a extraordinary territorial control service, aimed at preventing and repressing predatory crimes and those involving narcotics, together with the operators of the Liguria Crime Prevention Department, Polfer, Cabinet Office, the UPGSP anti-drug dog team and the Army. In particular, the intervention was concentrated in the area of Prè and Darsena, paying attention to the areas reported by neighborhood associations and traders, for the critical issues related to drug dealing and consumption.
During the check at the Darsena metro station, with the help of the dogs Leone and Nagut, a 27-year-old Dominican man was stopped after he attempted to get rid of a package containing 23 doses of cocaine. Following the subsequent house search, Leone found further doses ready for sale in the garden. A total of 62 grams of cocaine and 18 grams of cannabis were seized. The man was arrested for possession of a narcotic substance for the purpose of dealing and will be tried this morning with a summary trial. The presumption of innocence of the accused remains intact until a final sentence.
Inter-force controls in the historic centre, coordinated by the General Prevention Office, continued together with the dog team, with the assistance of the Administrative Police, the Central Police Station and the inter-force patrol, insisting in via della Maddalena, Vico Mele, Vico Santo Sepolcro and the Vigne area. In particular, near a commercial establishment in Via della Maddalena, subject to administrative control and police checks of the frequenters, a 32-year-old Central African was stopped in possession of cannabis for personal use. Administratively sanctioned pursuant to art.75 DPR 309/90 and reported to the Prefecture for the relevant follow-up.
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