Genoa: “INtegra”, fighting extreme poverty and social marginalization

financing for the liguria region

Genoa: “INtegra”, fighting extreme poverty and social marginalization

With a total funding of approximately 3 million and 500 thousand euros, Liguria Region, on the proposal of the Councilor for Social Policies Massimo Nicolò, has joined the Public Notice "INtegra", financed by the resources of the FSE PLUS (European Social Fund) and the National Program for inclusion and the fight against poverty 2021-2027. The aim is to activate services to combat extreme poverty and help people who are at risk of serious social marginalization, combating the condition of homelessness. The implementation period will be until 2029.

The projects have developed in recent years throughout the Ligurian territory through partner territorial areas, Conferences of Mayors of the ASL with their respective lead municipalities: Sanremo, Savona, Genoa, Chiavari and La Spezia. Among the main interventions that can be activated are the social emergency response, night and day reception, social secretariat and care and housing placement (Housing First).

“The aims of the project will mainly be those of build a system of services for people in serious marginalization and homelessness - Explains Councillor for Social Policies Massimo Nicolò -, more structured in the territories, aimed at overcoming the emergency logic and promoting a diversified offer, through a personalized care and planning approach. The aim is to emancipate people from the condition of serious marginalization, promoting social inclusion and housing integration.".

Genova: "INtegra", contrasto alla povertà estrema ed alla marginalità sociale

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