Genoa: he forces a window and steals the cash of a bar, reported
The State Police of Genoa reported a 27-year-old Nigerian irregular, for aggravated theft.
Genoa: he forces a window and steals the cash of a bar, reported
Last night the operations room sent two UPGSP crews to Via Fiasella, on Report of thieves in action inside a bar.
Once we arrive on site, the security guards who had seen the man leave the premises, they provided a detailed description and, after a few minutes, the patrol cars tracked him down in via XX Settembre. He had with him banknotes and small change that in value, quantity and denomination corresponded exactly to the money stolen from the cash register, as the bar owner had previously reported, also reporting the forcing of the sliding window of the exercise.
The 27-year-old, whose irregular status on Italian territory is being examined by the Immigration Office, has already been found to be subject to the obligation to sign.
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