Genoa, crafts and commerce: 5 million for the “Work Pact” call with bonuses for companies that hire.
From 20 January 2025, the Liguria Region will allocate 5 million euros to incentivize stable hiring in the trade and craft sectors, with particular attention to inland businesses and permanent contracts.
Genoa, crafts and commerce: 5 million for the “Work Pact” call with bonuses for companies that hire.
The measure, in line with the “Labour Pact in Commerce and Crafts” signed last June with the trade unions and trade associations, will have an initial financial endowment of 5 million euro (using the ESF+ 2021-2027 funds) and is aimed at inland businesses, those adhering to consortia or business networks and quality businesses (in possession of the brands recognised by the Liguria Region) which primarily employ permanent contracts.
“This announcement confirms the strong commitment of the Liguria Region on a crucial front such as work” – comments the president of the Liguria Region Marco Bucci –. "Today we are launching, with a 5 million euro endowment, an initiative that aims to support two very important sectors such as commerce and craftsmanship, and at the same time provide employment to Ligurians, favoring stable employment, a key element for families and for people's future prospects. This call - continues Bucci - follows the one already launched in recent years in the tourism sector, which has given important and concrete results and has proven to be particularly appreciated not only by workers, but also by businesses. Today - he concludes - we are also respecting a commitment that we made with the trade unions in the first meeting we had in recent weeks: we want to work together to create an increasingly prosperous and stable future for our region".
The regional incentive varies according to the type of contract. In particular, the maximum contribution that can be granted to companies located in non-coastal municipalities and of 12 thousand euros, Up to 8 thousand euros for those adhering to consortia, business networks or in possession of one of the quality brands recognised by the Liguria Region (Artigiani in Liguria, Botteghe Storiche – Locali di tradizione, Bottega Ligure).
“Following the success achieved through hiring bonuses in the tourism sector and following important work shared with the social partners, we are launching this long-awaited call for tenders which will provide fundamental support to businesses in the trade and craft sectors”, declares the regional councillor for the Programming of the European Social Fund Marco Scajola. “Through ESF resources we guarantee an initial commitment of 5 million euros aimed at supporting job placement in our companies with a significant focus on the hinterland. We therefore help both business owners and workers with a specific bonus for permanent contracts. With strategic planning of the European Social Fund we are launching yet another tangible aid to Ligurian citizens. Over 41 thousand have already been reached by our measures, linked to training, work, sports and social issues, on the 2021-2027 programming with a total economic commitment of 205 million euros”.
“Trade and crafts play a central role in the regional economy”, specifies the Councillor for Employment Policies Simona Ferro. “With this call for proposals, the Liguria Region, once again, is putting itself on the line to help companies hire and is demonstrating great sensitivity towards the many precious realities of the hinterland, a productive fabric of fundamental importance that must not be neglected but, on the contrary, enhanced”.
“The Liguria Region has long supported trade and crafts with unique tools in the management of European funds, such as the Crafts Guarantee and the Liguria Trade Fund, which have significantly improved access to credit for businesses”, underlines the councilor delegated to Economic Development Alessio Piana. “With this new measure we are starting the process, introduced last June with the signing of the Pact of Work in Commerce and Crafts, to promote, with important hiring bonuses, more stable employment, with particular attention to inland businesses, those that are part of consortia or subject networks and those in possession of quality brands”.
The instrument is retroactive starting from 1 June 2024, provided that the contract for which the benefit is requested is still in force at the date of submission of the application. For inland companies, furthermore, an additional amount is foreseen, equal to 60% of the hiring bonus, in the event that at least one fixed-term employment contract has been stipulated (starting from 1 June 2024), with a minimum duration equal to or greater than 4 months and that it has reached its natural expiry date before the opening date of the tender.
Applications must be submitted exclusively online, by accessing the Filse “Online Tenders” system, in the period between January 20 and May 29, 2025. From 16st January offline mode will be available to start completing the procedure.
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