Genoa: Caught while stealing from a shop after having broken the window with a manhole, 29-year-old Algerian arrested

an arrest

Genoa: Caught while stealing from a shop after having broken the window with a manhole, 29-year-old Algerian arrested

The Genoa State Police has arrested, a 29 year old Algerian, irregular on the territory, for aggravated theft in competition. The Operations Room sent patrol cars to Piazza Cattaneo to loud noises coming from inside a commercial establishment. Once on site, the operators noticed that the shop window had been smashed with a manhole cover, and a man was hiding inside. After having identified him, he was taken to the police station and with the help of the images from the video cameras in the area, he was discovered to be responsible for the theft together with two other individuals who had fled before the arrival of the patrol cars, and was therefore arrested.

Subjected to a personal search, the man was found to be in possession of a stolen camera which was returned to the shop owner. The man, already subject to the obligation of daily reporting to the Judicial Police and whose position on the Territory is being examined by the Immigration Office, will be tried by summary trial, although the presumption of innocence remains intact until a final conviction. Investigations are underway to track down the two alleged accomplices.

Genova: Scoperto mentre ruba in un negozio dopo aver infranto la vetrina con tombino, arrestato 29enne

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