Genoa: 158 thousand euros to support the families of children being treated at Gaslini
The Liguria Region supports families in economic difficulty with children hospitalized at the Gaslini Institute, offering contributions for reception and temporary accommodation during treatment.
Genoa: 158 thousand euros to support the families of children being treated at Gaslini.
Green light from the Regional Council, on the proposal of the Councillor for Social Policies Massimo Nicolò, to the granting of contributions amounting to 158.500 euros for the reception of non-resident families in Genoa, in situations of socio-economic hardship, with children being treated at the Giannina Gaslini Institute. Families who accompany children in need of care often find themselves in the need to stay in the capital city of Genoa not only during the period of hospitalisation, but also for check-ups and rehabilitation therapies, which makes it necessary to find temporary accommodation in the area surrounding the hospital.
«The excellence of the Gaslini attracts many families to Genoa – explains the Councillor for Social Policies Massimo Nicolò - and this is why the Liguria Region has decided to renew its commitment this year to help those who already have to bear a heavy burden, linked not only to illness, but also to being far from home. In these cases, the need to find temporary accommodation in the hospital area becomes a right that we intend to protect together with local bodies and associations».
The Gaslini Institute has been collaborating for years with various formally accredited associations, recognising their value and the need for hospitality activities carried out in favour of children and families in conditions of particular socio-economic fragility.
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