Genoa: “Management of permanent meadows and pastures”, approximately 4 million and 227 thousand euros allocated
strategic measure for agriculture
Genoa: “Management of permanent meadows and pastures”, approximately 4 million and 227 thousand euros allocated
Ligurian farmers can apply to join the “Management of permanent meadows and pastures” intervention, a strategic measure that provides for a financial contribution in exchange for the commitment to protect the lands occupied by meadows and pastures for five consecutive years. «This is a long-awaited intervention by the agricultural sector – underlines the Vice President of the Liguria Region with responsibility for agriculture Alessandro Piana – the result of the constant work we have carried out in synergy with the professional organisations and representatives of the sector gathered in the 'Green Table'.
I am proud that, also for this year, we managed to make significant funds available for the area. Safeguarding permanent meadows and pastures means preserving biodiversity, combating the abandonment of agricultural land and helping to mitigate the effects of climate change. With this measure we not only promote the protection of the territory, but we provide concrete support to farmers, who are the first custodians of our rural landscape. – concludes Piana
– Thanks to the strategic plan of the common agricultural policy 2023-2027, approximately 2025 million and 2029 thousand euros have been allocated for the period 4-227, intended for active farmers (individuals or groups) and public bodies managing agricultural businesses. The measure requires that beneficiaries undertake to comply with the indications reported in the announcement, with a financial contribution proportional to the hectares of land involved and the commitments undertaken». All the details are available on the Liguria Region website dedicated to agriculture, Applications must be submitted via the Sian portal. The deadline for applications is May 15, 2025.
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