Genoa, the security plan for the Christmas and New Year holidays kicks in

The approaching Christmas and New Year holidays, marked as usual by the holding of religious ceremonies and a significant movement of people, also this year requires a significant renewed inter-force commitment

Genoa, the security plan for the Christmas and New Year holidays kicks in

The approaching Christmas and New Year holidays, marked as usual by the holding of religious ceremonies and a significant movement of people, also this year requires a significant renewed inter-force commitment.

Furthermore, the Christmas celebration will coincide with the beginning of the Ordinary Jubilee of the year 2025, which will be inaugurated on the evening of December 24 with the opening of the Holy Door in St. Peter's, while in Genoa the ceremony will be celebrated in the Cathedral of San Lorenzo on Sunday, December 29.

The security plan arranged by Police Chief Burdese, in implementation of the directives issued by the Department of Public Safety and of what was decided by the Provincial Committee for Public Order and Safety, lastly on Saturday 21 December, also in relation to the well-known attack in Magdeburg, provides for the intensification of measures to protect places of worship, places of high attendance by people, such as Christmas markets, shopping streets, pedestrian streets, shopping centers, coastlines and other points of tourist and recreational interest in the capital and in the province.

Genova, scatta il piano sicurezza per le festività natalizie e di fine anno

As regards the State Police, the plan foresees the maximum use of personnel from the various branches of the Police Headquarters, with an increase in all prevention activities, starting with the Flying Squad - both from the General Prevention and Public Rescue Office and from the 7 Sectional Police Stations and the detached Police Stations of Rapallo and Chiavari - and the investigative services of the Flying Squad.
The aim is to ensure greater safety in the most sensitive times and quadrants of the city, for attendance and aggregation of people, pursuing it in full coordination with the Commands of the other Police Forces and the Local Police.

Foot patrols have been strengthened, with a focus on the city's shopping areas and the historic center, where motorcycle patrols from the offices responsible for territorial control will also be deployed, useful for quickly reaching the alleys and open spaces at the center of the major security needs of residents and business owners.
The Administrative and Social Police Division will carry out targeted checks in the areas where the most popular public and commercial establishments are concentrated and will also coordinate the verification and control activities at hotels and accommodation facilities. Together with the Police Stations, it will also guarantee services aimed at combating the illegal production and marketing of fireworks, especially in the period immediately preceding the end of the year.

The sectional and detached police stations will monitor the Christmas markets and the major religious events and functions scheduled in the places of worship in their respective areas of competence, ensuring scrupulous controls, also in relation to the high number of tourists.
On the road safety front, the Speciality's device has been expanded to ensure maximum presence on the main roads and motorways affected by Christmas traffic throughout the province.

In addition to speed limit checks, the Highway Police patrols will pay particular attention to checking the alcohol threshold or drug abuse by motorists with services aimed at checking the psychophysical conditions of drivers and the use of cell phones while driving, in application of the new Highway Code rules.

The Railway Police, likewise, has increased services aimed at preventing thefts and scams in the most crowded places, with patrols in the station and on board the train and with mixed patrols with Italian Army soldiers as part of the operation “Safe Stations”. The checks will also be aimed at preventing illicit behavior and compliance with the rules in the railway sector in order to avoid accidents to people.

The Border Police, also supported by anti-sabotage canine units, has strengthened the presence and controls at the maritime and air ports of the capital, affected by an extraordinary flow of passengers.
The Cyber ​​Police, from via XX Settembre and degli Erzelli, ensures constant monitoring of the network and all useful support in the event of online scams and crimes.

The Operations Room of the Police Headquarters is responsible for coordinating the extraordinary PS services deployed for the holidays, both preventive and judicial police, and will also ensure constant remote monitoring of the territory, thanks to the widespread city video surveillance system.
The Police Headquarters invites citizens to immediately report to 112 NUE any abnormal noises coming from neighboring homes, or the movement of suspicious people in condominiums, due to incidents of fraud against the elderly and vulnerable groups, as well as burglaries. On the street, on the train, in the shops, it is better to never lose sight of your personal effects, bags, luggage, cell phone and not give in to distraction that, in crowded places, makes pickpockets easier. Reporting via the Youpol App is very effective, even for episodes of gender violence that, during the holiday periods, are particularly sensitive.

The State Police is available to citizens 24 hours a day and can only thank those who do their utmost to ensure the safety of the community, reporting, denouncing and collaborating with great civic sense with operators on the phone and on the road, enabling officers to operate at their best and to report alleged perpetrators of crimes to the AG and to protect victims.

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