Genoa: Widespread administrative checks, warnings and fines for 10 thousand euros
administrative and non-administrative checks on the territory
Genoa: Widespread administrative checks, warnings and fines for 10 thousand euros
As part of the activities aimed at verification of administrative regularity in the management of commercial establishments, as well as the prevention and repression of crimes, the Genoa Police Headquarters has prepared aextraordinary territory control activity joined in the area of the Historic Center, Sampierdarena and Certosa.
The device, coordinated by the Director of the Administrative and Social Police Office, according to the methods shared at the Technical Table of the Police Commissioner, saw the joint use of personnel from the Administrative Police, the Cornigliano, Centro and Prè Police Stations, the Crime Prevention Unit, the Anti-Drug Dog Unit, together with the Tax Police of the Guardia di Finanza for the part of tax irregularities, the Local Police for the verification of licenses, the Labor Inspectorate for checks on safety in the workplace and ASL3 for health and hygiene skills, in an integrated approach to the various critical issues identified.
During the service, people were checked and commercial businesses were inspected in via del Campo, via Prè, via Canneto il Lungo, Piazza Vittorio Veneto, via Rolando and via Canepari: 9 commercial establishments were checked, of which 3 were warned by the Local Police and will be fined if they do not correct the contested non-conformities within 10 days of the check and 4 were fined for a total amount of 10 thousand euros for violations of hygiene, health, tax and work matters.
In particular, the Guardia di Finanza fined a barber shop in Via Canneto il Lungo for not having a mandatory QR code connected to the Revenue Agency. ASL3 staff has fined a barber shop in Piazza Vittorio Veneto and Via Rolando both for sterilizer not working and, in the first, also hygienic-sanitary deficiencies on the seats. In the barber shop on Via Rolando, the Local Police hhigh fines for lack of professional requirements in carrying out the activity, while the Labour Inspectorate sanctioned her for installing a camera without authorisation.
The Local Police finally has a hairdresser in via Canepari was fined for the owner's lack of professional qualifications and for failing to report an additional station. In this commercial establishment, the Labour Inspectorate has the presence of an irregular worker and the related lack of training was found.
Furthermore, during the checks, the drug-sniffing dog reported a passer-by in possession of cannabis. The man, a 31-year-old Somali, was administratively sanctioned for possession of narcotic substances for personal use. Overall they were over 100 people were identified and administrative sanctions were imposed for a total of 10 thousand euros. Similar joint checks will continue in the coming weeks.
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