Pontecorvo: extraordinary territorial control service carried out jointly by the State Police, the Carabinieri and the Guardia di Finanza
Seven checkpoints were set up, which allowed for the verification and control of approximately 7 vehicles and the issuing of 80 violations under the Highway Code, with a reduction of almost 20 points on driving licences.
Pontecorvo: extraordinary territorial control service carried out jointly by the State Police, the Carabinieri and the Guardia di Finanza.
The Police Chief of Frosinone, Dr. Pietro Morelli, in compliance with the decisions taken by the Provincial Committee for Public Order and Security, in order to implement, at a local level, the action of prevention and contrast to illicit activities and control of the territory, has prepared an extraordinary inter-force service for the control of the territory in the town of Pontecorvo.
The activity, which involved the use of crews from the State Police of the Cassino Police Station and the Highway Police, the Carabinieri, the Guardia di Finanza and personnel from the Local Police, took place mainly in the areas of the city centre affected by the so-called movida and at the junction points of the main urban and extra-urban arteries of the aforementioned municipality.
The checks carried out allowed us to identify over 150 individuals and to verify the regular position of about 20 non-EU citizens. 7 checkpoints were carried out which allowed us to check and control about 80 vehicles and to raise 20 violations under the Highway Code with a reduction of almost 90 points on the driving licences.
During the operation, an administrative check was also carried out at a gaming and betting business.
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