Guarcino and Trivigliano: The Carabinieri meet with elementary and middle school students to protect legality

Education in legality deals with the nature and function of rules in social life, civil values ​​and democracy, the exercise of citizenship rights and respect for others and the dignity of all. For young people, and for adolescents in particular, recognizing and accepting a world of rules is always a difficult and tiring journey.

Guarcino and Trivigliano: The Carabinieri meet with elementary and middle school students to protect legality

Promote the “Culture of legality"in schools it means educating students to respect the dignity of the human person, through awareness of rights and duties, with the acquisition of knowledge and the internalization of the values ​​that are the basis of civil coexistence, cooperating with each other and acquiring a critical capacity such as to be ready when they are called upon to take a position.

With this project theArma dei Carabinieri wants to promote expressions of responsibility and solidarity which aim to exclude marginalization and violence, activating paths of participation and sharing.

Guarcino e Trivigliano: I Carabinieri incontrano gli studenti delle elementari e delle medie per la tutela della legalità

It is in this context that, in the municipalities of guarcino e Trivigliano, the military of the Carabinieri Station of Guarcino, they met, with the presence of their teachers, pupils of some classes of middle and primary school, trying to make students reflect on the legal aspects of real-life situations often considered “normal”, so as to help them become aware of the implications connected to them, allowing them to develop the expected social skills.

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