
Frosinone: fight against gender violence, State Police issues 6 warnings

The primary purpose of these measures is to put an end to all violent and harassing actions against the victims.

Frosinone: fight against gender violence, State Police issues 6 warnings

The State Police of Frosinone, as part of the prevention activity aimed at combating gender violence, carried out by the Anti-Crime Division of the Frosinone Police Headquarters, has issued a number of warnings in recent weeks six warnings, three of which were issued under an emergency procedure, towards as many people, men and women, which in different ways have brought about persecutory actions, or, acts similar to mistreatment within the family.

The first provision was issued by the Chief of Police of Frosinone, Dr. Peter Morelli, urgently and ex officio, at the request of the staff of the Picinisco Carabinieri Station, in compliance with the provisions of the legislation to combat domestic violence and family abuseThe story involved a man who, convinced of the existence of an adulterous relationship with his wife, he threatened her with a knife. The woman, although frightened by her husband's behavior, he didn't want to report it, but thanks to the report received from the Carabinieri, it was possible to proceed ex officio upon issuance of the provision towards her husband, in order to do so desist from such threatening behavior, a typical manifestation of gender-based violence.

The second story instead involved a man who, after separating from his wife, not accepting the state of things, began to stalk her with offensive and threatening phone calls and messages, coming to to show up, in an evident state of drunkenness, outside his ex-wife's house, to insult her with epithets of all kinds, shouting insults at her from the street. Also in this case the operators of the Anti-Crime Police Division, after a careful investigation, preceded upon issuance of the provision, at the request of the victim, applying the warning provided for the prevention and contrast of domestic violence conduct.

The third measure, adopted urgently, concerns two neighbours, a young girl and a man who had been targeting her for some time, going as far as insulting her daily, at all hours of the day and night, with offensive phrases and also making threats of all kinds, all from the garden of his home, so as to be heard by anyone, not ceasing in his conduct even in front of the officers who intervened on the spot to calm his uncontrolled anger. The measure adopted against him is the warning for the authors of persecutory conduct, issued after the victim turned to the officers of the Fiuggi Public Safety Commissioner.

The fourth provision was issued, instead, against a woman, also perpetrator of harassing and persecutory conduct towards her ex-spouseThe man, no longer able to tolerate the continuous insults received both by telephone and in person, given that the admonished person was used to lying in wait under his new home, asked the Police Commissioner to issue the provision, a request that, having evaluated all the evidence presented by the applicant, was accepted.

The last two provisions, also adopted with an emergency procedure, were issued for the prevention of the repetition of stalking acts against victimsThe first was requested by a woman dependent on her husband, addict, who after being asked to leave the marital home, to protect the children's peace of mind, he kept showing up at his wife's door to get money to buy drugs. The victim, weakened by this situation and frightened by the husband's violent reactions to the denial of money, asked for help from the Carabinieri of Veroli, who forwarded the report to the Police Chief for a possible warning, which was immediately accepted in consideration of the concrete possibility that the man could commit even more violent acts against his wife.

The latest provision was issued at the request of the victim against her former cohabiting partner, who not accepting the end of their relationship he tormented her in every waySuch behaviors also took place in the workplace, where her ex regularly showed up, and this situation had led her to radically change her lifestyle.

The person warned, as well as the other recipients of the measures adopted by the Provincial Authority of the State Police in the person of the pro tempore Police Chief of Frosinone, Dr. Pietro Morelli, was invited to present themselves at the ASL of Frosinone, with which there is an active collaboration born from the signing of the Zeus Protocol, that provides that perpetrators of violent and persecutory behavior can follow treatment paths aimed at their recovery.

These measures have as their primary aim that of making cease all violent and harassing actions against the victims, and take on even greater importance in these days when the “International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women".

Also this year the Police Headquarters will be the spokesperson for the value of prevention of gender violence, through the commitment of its specialists to spread the culture of respect towards women, within the various events in which we will be present.

Frosinone: contrasto alla violenza di genere, Polizia di Stato emette 6 provvedimenti di ammonimento

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