
Frosinone: Commemoration of the 44th anniversary of the firefight between a patrol and 4 terrorists

celebration of the day in memory of the clash between a patrol and 4 terrorists

Frosinone: Commemoration of the 44th anniversary of the firefight between a patrol and 4 terrorists

The events took place in the town of San Donato Val di Comino and in the Canneto area of ​​the Municipality of Settefrati. celebratory moments of the 44th anniversary of the bloody firefight between a commando of 4 terrorists and a patrol of three Carabinieri from the San Donato Val di Comino station.

A commemoration organized on the proposal of the Cultural Center "Leonardo", particularly active in the valorization of the territory, and of the National Association of Carabinieri, Valcomino Section, with the patronage of the Municipalities of San Donato Val di Comino, wanted by Mayor Enrico Pittiglio, and Settefrati, wanted by Mayor Angelica Apruzzese, of the Province of Frosinone and of the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park and the participation of the Carabinieri in all phases of the event.

The aim is not to lose the memory of the dramatic moments of the firefight to which 3 Carabinieri were suddenly subjected of the San Donato Val di Comino station, in the early afternoon of November 13, 1980, by 4 terrorists originally from Rome, belonging to a violent armed group, who had been responsible for an armed robbery in a credit institution in the municipality of Civitella Alfedena, in the province of L'Aquila, that morning.


The commemorative day was held at first in the splendid setting of Piazza Marconi, in San Donato Val di Comino, with the meeting between school and citizenship which saw the participation of a large audience of prominent authorities, including the Bishop of the Diocese of Sora Cassino Aquino Pontecorvo, Mons. Gerardo Antonazzo, the Provincial Councilors Amata and Vacana, the Mayors of the Comino Valley, the Military Commanders, with a message of greetings from the Provincial Commander Col. Gabriele Mattioli, very close to the families of the three Carabinieri. To moderate the event in the square, but in general to have actively participated in the whole organization, the Lt. Col. Orfeo Rossi of the Italian Air Force, originally from San Donato Val di Comino, together with Capt. Domenico Cavallo, Commander of the Carabinieri Company of Sora, who thanked and greeted those present for having accepted the invitation to this first important celebration, which will certainly be repeated every year.Frosinone: Commemorazione del 44° anniversario del conflitto a fuoco tra una pattuglia e 4 terroristi

Absolutely worthy of mention is the testimony of the main actors who, in various capacities, were involved in the events that day.: this is the case of the Marshal Nicola Pizzano and Carabiniere Scelto Emilio Polsinelli, both decorated with the Bronze Medal for Military Valor who participated in the action together to App. Antimo De Crescenzo, recently deceased and decorated with the Silver Medal for Military Valor, the Park Ranger Valerio Viglietta who, being in the area, helped App. De Crescenzo, wounded by three gunshots.

And again: the Mr. Aldo Venturini of Settefrati, who rushed to the aid of M.llo Pizzano in the phases following the clash and of the Health Assistant, Mrs. Delia Leonardi who, being on duty at the Atina Hospital, took an active part with Prof. Giuseppe De Vecchis in the first hectic phases of the sudden health emergency donating blood which was then decisive in saving De Crescenzo's life. To about, the presence of the family and the testimony of Dr. Caio Mario De Vecchis were also greatly appreciated, son of Professor De Vecchis and also a surgeon with several interventions under his belt in foreign emergency scenarios, who retraced the memory of the facts, as later recounted by the father.

The setting outlined by the 120 pupils of the primary and secondary schools of the local school complex is splendid., which – in addition to their beautiful presence – They presented to the citizens and the attendees in-depth research and food for thought on the topic; this is thanks to their skill but also to the particular sensitivity and attention dedicated to the project by the Headmaster, Prof. Gianfrancesco D'Andrea, the vice-principal, Prof. Pellegrini and the Head of the complex, Prof. Cilea.

To the students, who exhibited a beautiful painting, later donated to the Carabinieri Station of San Donato Val di Comino, and 4 moving poems recalling the courage, dedication and value of the three Carabinieri Heroes, also donated to the Carabinieri, Colonel Gabriele Mattioli sent a certificate of thanks. The certificate was delivered to the students of the 8 classes of the San Donato Val di Comino Section of the Alvito Comprehensive Institute, by Captain Cavallo.

The final setting of the sober but intense commemorative day was the wonderful Val Canneto, with the inauguration of the monumental monument with a commemorative plaque, for everlasting memory, right in the place where the events took place 44 years ago, or rather the large one, on the edge of the SP 103, not far from the Basilica della Madonna Bruna. After the flag-raising ceremony, with the honor guard of the Carabinieri of the Sora Company, the plaque was unveiled by Francesca and Giulia De Crescenzo, granddaughters of Constable Antimo, and blessed by HE the Diocesan Bishop.

Frosinone: Commemorazione del 44° anniversario del conflitto a fuoco tra una pattuglia e 4 terroristi

Immediately after a visit to the Basilica Sanctuary where the boys and all those present were welcomed by the Rector Don Antonio Molle who accompanied the students to the corridor of the "ex voto" where, in a glass case, is kept the Uniform worn that day by Constable Antimo De Crescenzo who wanted to donate it as a sign of devotion, for having saved him, to the Madonna Bruna. Inside the Basilica, Mons. Gerardo Antonazzo presided over the Holy Mass which concluded with the moving reading of the Carabiniere's Prayer by the voice of the Commander of the Carabinieri Station of San Donato Val di Comino, Ordinary Marshal, Vittorio Pelle.

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