Aquino: “Red Code”, 26-year-old arrested for mistreatment of his mother

Last night, in Aquino (FR), the Carabinieri of the local station arrested a 26-year-old local man with a criminal record for "mistreatment of family members or cohabitants".

Aquino: “Red Code”, 26-year-old arrested for mistreatment of his mother

Following a report received by the single emergency number (NUE) 112, the military personnel operating intervened in Aquino, at the home of an elderly woman, a widow and a pensioner, where they found that she had been the victim, for some time, of continuous mistreatment and repeated threats made by her cohabiting son, originating from repeated requests for money unsatisfied, culminating with the last physical assault which caused her injuries judged by the Cassino Emergency Room to be curable in 5 days.

Aquino: "Codice Rosso", arrestato 26enne per maltrattamenti nei confronti della madre

The arrested person, at the end of the formal procedures, as ordered by the competent Judicial Authority, was held in the security cells of the Carabinieri Company of Pontecorvo awaiting the validation hearing.

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