Piedimonte San Germano, abuse of wife. The Carabinieri execute the 41-year-old's removal from the family home with a ban on approaching and application of an electronic bracelet
The investigations were started by the Carabinieri following the complaint filed by the woman, in which she claimed that her husband had subjected her to a lifestyle marked by aggression and bullying.
Piedimonte San Germano (Frosinone), mistreatment of the wife. The Carabinieri execute against the 41-year-old the measure of removal from the family home with a ban on approaching and application of the electronic bracelet
On Friday afternoon, following a timely investigation conducted by the Carabinieri of the Piedimonte San Germano Station (FR), under the coordination of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Cassino (FR), a precautionary measure order was executed, requiring the victim to be removed from the family home, with a ban on approaching places usually frequented by the injured party and the application of an electronic remote control device (commonly known as an electronic bracelet), issued by the Preliminary Investigations Judge of the Court of the Martyr City against a 41-year-old, resident in the Cassino hinterland, seriously suspected of the heinous crime of mistreatment of his wife.
The investigations were started by the Carabinieri following the complaint filed by the woman, in which she claimed that her husband had subjected her to a lifestyle marked by aggression and bullying.. Therefore, having assessed the validity of the evidence collected by the Judicial Police to support the victim's story and having shared the assessment put forward by the PM in charge of the case file, the GIP considered that precautionary measures were necessary, given the seriousness of the facts contested to the suspect.
The measure carried out by the military of the Piedimonte San Germano (FR) Station consists of a precautionary measure issued during preliminary investigations, against which an appeal can be lodged by the recipient who assumes the status of a person under investigation and, therefore, presumed innocent until a final sentence is reached.
The daily commitment of the men and women of the Carabinieri Company of Cassino (FR) to prevent and combat any form of illegality, but especially crimes such as stalking and mistreatment in the family, continues. In this regard, the website of the Arma www.carabinieri.it dedicates a thematic area to “red code” crimes, providing information on various aspects of gender violence, including stalking, bullying, cyberbullying, mistreatment, revenge porn and sexual violence.
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