Orta Nova: Intensified territorial control services

territory checks

Orta Nova: Intensified territorial control services

In order to ensure compliance with the rules and the safety of citizens, the State Police has intensified territorial control services especially in the Lower Tavoliere area, with the aim of raising the perception of safety and fighting all forms of illegality. In this regard, a meeting was organized extraordinary territorial control service in the city of Orta Nova, which saw the employment of both agents from the Cerignola Police Station and colleagues from the “Puglia Centrale” Crime Prevention Unit.

The service mainly concerned the city centre where there are numerous commercial activities and various meeting places. Tests have been carried out numerous checkpoints in the access and exit routes from the city centre, they have been 111 people were identified, 30 of whom had police records, 62 vehicles were checked and two people were reported to the Judicial Authority for resisting a Public Official.

Furthermore, particular attention was paid to compliance with the rules of conduct set out in the Highway Code: ten fines in total for undisciplined drivers, one for driving without a license and one for lack of insurance; finally, 3 administrative seizures of vehicles. These activities, which will be constantly repeated, are part of a strengthening of the presence of the Police forces on the territory and of a better capacity for intervention in response to the needs of citizens.

Orta Nova: Intensificati i servizi di controllo del territorio

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