Foggia. Zeus Protocol between State Police and Association Impegno Donna renewed.

The initiative is inspired by the so-called "Femicide Law".

Foggia. Zeus Protocol between State Police and Association Impegno Donna renewed.

On the morning of Tuesday 30 April, the Police Commissioner of the province of Foggia and the president of the Anti-Violence Centre “Impegno Donna”, Dr. Franca DENTE, renewed the “Zeus” protocol, promoted by the Central Anti-Crime Directorate of the Department of Public Security, aimed at disseminating good practices throughout the provincial territory to prevent phenomena related to gender violence.

The initiative is inspired by the so-called "Feminicide Law" which establishes that "when the Police Commissioner issues a warning, he immediately informs the perpetrator of the crime about the services available in the area including CUAVs, family counseling centers, mental health services and addiction services, aimed at intervening against perpetrators of violence domestic or gender".

In fact, the main objective of the Protocol is to facilitate the recovery process, offering the cautioned subject access to a support treatment aimed at improving the management of emotions, through consultancy offered by highly qualified professionals in the recovery and rehabilitation processes.

Thus Police Commissioner Rossi: "The Protocol constitutes an action model that amplifies the effectiveness of the administrative instrument of the warning (from January 2023 to date, 53 warnings have been issued), provided for by law for all those conducts that can lead to domestic violence and stalking. The warning provision, in addition to producing deflationary effects on the criminal process, constitutes an effective deterrent and prevents the implementation of illicit conducts against gender victims. In fact, it intervenes on the abusive subject even before criminally punishable conducts are committed for which it is necessary to initiate a related judicial proceeding". "Unfortunately, interventions for "red code" are constantly increasing"- adds the Commissioner. "They are carried out almost daily by the operators of the Flying Squad, i.e. the department that constitutes the "First Aid" of the Police" (from January 2023 to today, 142 red codes have been activated).

"The Zeus protocol fits into this delicate operational context and offers the warned subject the opportunity to become aware of the disvalue of his own conduct, offering him a rehabilitative treatment managed by a team of professionals, specialized in treating people with relational problems – adds Dr. DENTE– In fact, thanks to this tool the person warned can access, on a voluntary basis and free of charge, a path in which he has the possibility of reflecting and reconstructing, on an emotional and cognitive level, the events that led him to implement the abusive behaviors and, therefore, avoid the repetition of harmful attitudes. The main objective is to make the perpetrator fully aware of the violent action".

Foggia. Rinnovato il Protocollo Zeus tra Polizia di Stato e Associazione Impegno Donna.

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