Foggia, the State Police executes 20 precautionary measures for criminal association aimed at the theft, receiving and recycling of vehicles
The investigation revealed a hierarchical organization of the criminal gang within which the tasks of the participants were rigidly distributed.
Foggia, the State Police executes 20 precautionary measures for criminal association aimed at the theft, receiving and recycling of vehicles
The State Police and the Carabinieri have executed 2 precautionary measures in the early morning (four precautionary measures of custody in prison, eight precautionary measures of house arrest, eight precautionary measures including the obligation to remain in the same place and to report daily to the Judicial Police) issued by the Court of Foggia, on the proposal of the local Public Prosecutor's Office, against an equal number of individuals resident in the provinces of Foggia and Barletta-Andria-Trani, subjected to preliminary investigations in relation to the crime of criminal association aimed at theft, receiving stolen goods, and laundering of vehicles.
The investigations, started in October 2021 and lasted approximately eight months, conducted by the Highway Police Department for Puglia of Bari and the Operational Section of the Operational and Radiomobile Nucleus of the Carabinieri Company of Barletta, coordinated by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Foggia, have allowed us to gather serious evidence of guilt against the subjects in relation to the contested crimes.
The organization formed by the recipients of the precautionary measures first proceeded to organize the theft of vehicles, stolen mainly in the areas north and south of the town of Foggia, in the province of Bari or from outside the region and then proceeded to 'cannibalize' them in the geographical area between the municipalities of San Ferdinando di Puglia and Cerignola.
The pieces obtained from the dismantling activity were , Therefore, recycled in the dynamic and profitable black market for the sale of "spare parts" and distributed, at advantageous prices, throughout the national and foreign territory, after having removed every element that could be traced back to the original vehicle. The headquarters of the criminal dismantling activity and, therefore, the base of the organization was the territory of Cerignola.
The investigation revealed a hierarchical organization of the criminal gang within which the tasks of the participants were rigidly distributed. ; in this regard, the activity of intercepting telephone communications was crucial, with the consequent "decryption" of the terminology used to indicate the various associates.
The current activity carried out by the State Police allows us to send a strong signal to citizens of the presence of the Police Force at the service of their protection and safety, who increasingly show feelings of poor perception of safety, especially in relation to the crimes of theft, money laundering, receiving stolen vehicles.
It should be noted that the proceedings are pending in the preliminary investigation phase and that the position of the people involved in the aforementioned police operations is being examined by the Judicial Authority.
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