
Lagosanto, he threatens a judicial officer to avoid being evicted. A patrol of the Carabinieri intervenes and seizes his weapons and ammunition

A man, a pensioner during the eviction process from the house he occupied without title, interrupted the operations in progress by threatening the Judicial Officer: "Be careful, I have weapons in the house!"

Lagosanto (Ferrara), threatens judicial officer to avoid being evicted. A patrol of the Carabinieri intervenes and seizes his weapons and ammunition

It happened in the afternoon Lagosanto (Ferrara) where a man, a pensioner, from the area, during the eviction process from the house he occupied without title ordered by the Court of Ferrara, interrupted the operations in progress by threatening the Judicial Officer: "be careful, I have weapons in the house!".

Lagosanto, minaccia ufficiale giudiziario per non essere sfrattato. Interviene una pattuglia dei Carabinieri che gli ritira armi e munizioni

The call to the operations centre of the Carabinieri of Comacchio and the timely intervention of a patrol of the Carabinieri of the local Station was decisive in bringing the situation back to normal, allowing the completion of the activity ordered by the Judicial Authority but above all to collect numerous weapons and ammunition including 8 hunting rifles and a "blank-chaser" pistol, regularly held by the suspect.

The threats and the interruption of the eviction operations cost the man a report at liberty for the alleged crime of resisting and threatening a public official and the precautionary withdrawal of the weapons and ammunition. pursuant to art. 39 of the TULPS
The enforcement eviction order was then completed without further interruption.

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