Ferrara: “Il quadrifoglio” social center damaged, one arrested

The military discovered the gang responsible, arresting one member and reporting 5 at large.

Ferrara: “Il quadrifoglio” social center damaged, one arrested

On the morning of April 15, a police patrol from the Pontelagoscuro station intervened at the headquarters of the “Il quadrifoglio” social center of viale Savonuzzi.

The intervention was necessary because, during the night, unknown persons had entered the association's headquarters and, after breaking a window and gaining access to the property, the criminals headed to the electricity meter, disconnecting the electricity to disable the internal video surveillance system. In the following minutes violence and incivility reigned supreme, furniture overturned, billiard tables devastated, dozens of bottles kept in the bar shattered on the floor and the same number removed and taken away from the structure.

After having documented the state of the places, the soldiers of the Pontelagoscuro station set to work to trace the perpetrators of the gesture and it immediately became clear that not just one person could have acted. Images were then acquired video surveillance cameras present in the areas surrounding the event. From viewing them it soon emerged that a group of five young people, after having left the community centre, he was filmed intent on consuming some of the bottles he had removed.

In a short time, names were given to all five faces, three adults respectively (one forty-two year old and two nineteen year olds) and two minors (both seventeen years old). Agreeing with the investigative hypothesis proposed by the investigators, the Ferrara Public Prosecutor's Office and the Public Prosecutor's Office at the Juvenile Court of Bologna issued a search warrant against the five suspects.

The measure was carried out in the early hours of the morning of Friday 10 May. During the operations, the mobile phones of the suspects were seized as well as the items of clothing used by them during the raid inside the community centre. Furthermore, the checks carried out inside the home of one of the two nineteen-year-olds allowed us to find and seize a 99-gram block of narcotic substance such as hashish, 18 doses of the same substance for a total weight of 19 grams and a precision balance.

At the end of the operations, the boy was arrested for possession of narcotic substances for the purpose of dealing and at the same time released while awaiting the trial.

Ferrara: danneggiato il centro sociale “Il quadrifoglio”, un arrestato

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