Ferrara: Police Headquarters, Carabinieri, Guardia di Finanza and Local Police carry out joint service in sensitive areas of the city

In via Baluardi at the height of via Chiodare, a narcotic substance of the hashish type weighing 55 grams was found and seized, hidden on the ground near a tree.

Ferrara: Police Headquarters, Carabinieri, Guardia di Finanza and Local Police carry out joint service in sensitive areas of the city

In compliance with what was established between the Police Forces and the strategic guidelines developed in the Prefecture, on the occasion of the recent Committees for Public Order and Safety, on the afternoon of 7 November 2024, a extraordinary joint intervention between all Police Forces, with particular reference to the areas of Piazza Travaglio, Porta Paola, Via Baluardi, Via delle Chiodare, Via Della Ghiara, Viale Cavour aimed at to combat all forms of illegality linked not only to the dealing of narcotic substances, but also to the contrast to predatory crimes, compliance with the rules on immigration, decorum, urban safety.

In particular, six patrols and fifteen agents and soldiers from the Police Headquarters, the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri, the Provincial Command of the Guardia di Finanza and the Terre Estensi Local Police Corps, checked all the most sensitive areas in terms of public order and safety.

During the activities the following results were obtained, in particular, 99 people identified, Of which 5 foreigners, 53 vehicles checked. In context, with the intervention of drug-sniffing dogs, in via Baluardi at the height of via Chiodare hidden on the ground near a tree, it was found and seized narcotic substance weighing 55 gr. which later turned out to be of the type hashish.

The joint activity is part of a wide range of initiatives that the Prefecture of Ferrara and all the Police Forces have jointly decided to launch to address the numerous reports received from citizens in recent weeks regarding bivouacs and drug dealing in various parks and neighborhoods of the city of Ferrara.

Ferrara: Questura, Carabinieri, Guardia di Finanza e Polizia Locale effettuano servizio congiunto nelle aree sensibili della città

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