Ferrara: He kicks the glass door of a condominium, 30-year-old arrested

an arrest

Ferrara: He kicks the glass door of a condominium, 30-year-old arrested

On the emergency number 112, a call came in by a resident of Via Verga who reported the presence of a man, in an agitated state, intent on screaming and kicking the glass door of the entrance to a condominium. Two crews from the Ferrara Radiomobile Section arrived on site within a few minutes. they tracked down the man in the internal courtyard of the condominium where, in the meantime, he had managed to get into. The same, a thirty year old of foreign origin, at the sight of the military he began to rail against the police, refusing to hand over his identity documents.

Once approached by the military, the thirty-year-old then began to push them with the intention of moving away from the place but was stopped and made to get into the car. The man's aggressive behavior continued during the transport on board the car radio and, once arrived at the barracks, given the aggressive behavior towards the military, the man was arrested for resisting a public official and reported at large for contempt and refusal to provide his personal details. The thirty-year-old was then held in the holding cells of the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri of Ferrara where he will remain pending the celebration of the direct trial.

Ferrara: Prende a calci la vetrata del portone di un condominio, arrestato 30enne

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