Comacchio: he does not accept the end of the relationship with his ex-girlfriend and begins to stalk her with scenes of jealousy and harassing and harassing behavior. 52-year-old arrested
Yesterday afternoon, the Carabinieri of the Porto Garibaldi Station arrested a 52-year-old criminal from the area, who was subject to a precautionary custody order issued by the Judge for Preliminary Investigations of the Court of Ferrara for the crime of stalking committed against his ex-partner.
Comacchio: he does not accept the end of the relationship with his ex-girlfriend and begins to stalk her with scenes of jealousy and harassing and harassing behavior. 52-year-old arrested.
Yesterday afternoon, the Carabinieri of the Porto Garibaldi Station arrested a 52-year-old criminal from the area, who was hit by aprecautionary custody order issued by the Judge for Preliminary Investigations of the Court of Ferrara for the crime of stalking committed against the ex-partner.
The man, since last May, with his continued harassing and harassing behavior, had induced his ex-partner to live in a real state of fear and anxiety, forcing her to change her lifestyle habits. Constantly checking her phone, checking her friends and acquaintances, violent scenes of jealousy These are just some of the behaviors that have been contested to the man through the numerous interventions of the Carabinieri and the investigative activity coordinated by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Ferrara.
The man in fact he did not accept the end of the romantic relationship and continued to call and send messages to the woman. In one case he had reached her in a commercial establishment, insulting her and addressing her friends and her employer in threatening tones.
The suspect, who since September 27th had already been subjected to the precautionary measure of the obligation to report to the judicial police after being arrested by the Carabinieri of Lido degli Estensi for having shown up at the house of a local criminal threatening to kill him with a cleaver, scalpel and hydrochloric acid, he was then transferred to the Ferrara prison at the disposal of the Judicial Authority.
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