
UNIFIL Mission: Italian Contingent Detects and Disarms Incendiary Explosives in Lebanon

The Italian contingent of UNIFIL defuses incendiary devices in southern Lebanon, continuing its commitment to security and stability in the region.

UNIFIL Mission: Italian Contingent Detects and Disarms Incendiary Explosives in Lebanon

The Italian contingent of the UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon) mission, engaged in the delicate peacekeeping operation in southern Lebanon, recently identified and neutralized a series of incendiary explosive devices. During a routine patrol near the UNP 1-32A operating base, the Italian bomb disposal experts promptly secured the area, preventing damage to people or vehicles. However, one of the devices accidentally activated, starting a fire in the surrounding area. Fortunately, the timely intervention avoided more serious consequences.

Missione UNIFIL: il contingente italiano individua e disinnesca esplosivi incendiari in Libano

The operation takes place in a context of strong instability, with the UNIFIL mission committed to ensuring the security of the region and supporting the local populations. The Italian Foreign Minister, Antonio Tajani, together with his colleagues from France, Germany and Great Britain, issued a joint statement, underlining the importance of ensuring the safety of UNIFIL personnel, reaffirming the crucial role of the mission in maintaining the stability of southern Lebanon. The statement also highlights the fundamental contribution of the United Nations in resolving armed conflicts and managing humanitarian crises.

Missione UNIFIL: il contingente italiano individua e disinnesca esplosivi incendiari in Libano

The UNIFIL mission: a commitment lasting over 40 years

UNIFIL was established in 1978 in response to Israel's invasion of southern Lebanon, following an attack by Palestinian commandos. The United Nations Security Council, through resolutions 425 and 426, called for the immediate withdrawal of Israeli troops and authorized the creation of an international force to restore peace and support the Lebanese government in reestablishing its authority in the region.

Italy has participated in the mission since July 1979, initially with a contingent of helicopters assigned to reconnaissance, search and rescue missions. Over the years, the Italian presence has expanded, contributing significantly to patrolling the territory and demining operations in the so-called “blue line”, the border between Lebanon and Israel. The Italian contingent currently has its headquarters at the Tibnin base, about 30 kilometers from the city of Tyre, where it coordinates the activities of UNIFIL Sector West.

Missione UNIFIL: il contingente italiano individua e disinnesca esplosivi incendiari in Libano

UNIFIL's current challenges

Despite the withdrawal of Israeli troops in 2000 and a relative stabilization of the area, tensions between Israel and the Shiite militia of Hezbollah continue to pose a threat to peace in the region. In this context, UNIFIL plays a crucial role in monitoring the ceasefire, disarming armed groups and providing humanitarian assistance to populations affected by the conflict.

The Italian contingent's tasks also include observation of fixed positions, day and night patrols and liaison with the Lebanese Armed Forces. In addition, UNIFIL's Maritime Task Force 448, composed of a naval component, is responsible for maritime patrols to prevent illicit trafficking along the Lebanese coasts.

The recent episode involving the intervention of Italian bomb disposal experts to defuse incendiary devices is a further example of the daily danger that the UNIFIL contingent faces in its mission.

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