Italy on Gaza's Side: Minister Crosetto Announces Humanitarian Support Operation

Italian Defense sends 50 tons of humanitarian aid to Gaza: departure from Monfalcone to Cyprus. Crosetto: "Italy alongside those who suffer with competence and humanity".

Italy on Gaza's Side: Minister Crosetto Announces Humanitarian Support Operation

The Italian Defense continues its humanitarian commitment in the Gaza Strip with a new support operation. A ship loaded with over 50 tons of essential goods intended for the Palestinian population, collected by the National Confederation of the Misericordie of Italy.

The initiative, authorised by Minister Guido Crosetto, underlines Italy's commitment to dialogue, peace and support for the most vulnerable.

In fact, a ship left from the port of Monfalcone (GO) ship bound for Cyprus carrying over 50 tons of essential goods collected by the “National Confederation of the Misericordie of Italy”.

After arriving at the port of Limassol, Cyprus, the material will subsequently be transferred to Gaza.
Italia al Fianco di Gaza: il Ministro Crosetto annuncia Operazione di Supporto Umanitario
The Minister of Defense, Guido Crosetto, who authorized the initiativeSaid: "Italy also on this occasion shows that it is at the side of those who suffer and will continue to do everything possible to give hope to those who, like in Gaza, are experiencing very difficult times. The Defense, with its Armed Forces, has once again demonstrated extraordinary competence and great humanity. I sincerely thank all those who, with dedication and promptness, have made this intervention possible. It is thanks to them that Italy continues to be a point of reference, a country that believes in dialogue, peace and help to those who are most fragile”.

The Defense has guaranteed technical and operational support to the activity, with the loading and transport of humanitarian material by Army assets, under the coordination of the Joint Operations Command (COVI).Italia al Fianco di Gaza: il Ministro Crosetto annuncia Operazione di Supporto Umanitario

This operation adds to a series of initiatives already undertaken by the Ministry of Defence in favor of the Palestinian population, including the transportation of basic necessities using Italian Air Force aircraft, health care provided by the Italian Navy's Vulcano ship, as well as the transfer to Italy of Palestinian children in need of hospital care using Defense air and naval assets.

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