Enna, Carabinieri checks to prevent illegal possession of fireworks

The Carabinieri are continuously working to combat the phenomenon of illegal possession of fireworks during the end-of-year festivities.

Enna, Carabinieri checks to prevent illegal possession of fireworks

The activity of the Carabinieri of the Piazza Armerina Company Command (EN) is uninterrupted in the fight, specifically, against the phenomenon of illegal possession of fireworks during the end-of-year holidays.

The Carabinieri of the Piazza Armerina Company, during a territorial control service aimed at prevention during the end-of-year holidays, checked an off-road vehicle with two individuals on board, one of whom had a police record, who were carrying two large boxes in the trunk. The officers, suspicious of their behavior, subjected the vehicle to a thorough inspection and found that inside were transporting 34 paper bombs, known in jargon as “onions”, 30 large firecrackers, without manufacturing data, and 700 packaged firecrackers, of uncertified origin.Enna, controlli dei Carabinieri nella prevenzione della detenzione illecita di fuochi d'artificio

Having verified that these were explosive devices of illicit production, the use of which could have caused physical harm to unsuspecting buyers, they proceeded to seize them in Piazza Armerina.

The Public Prosecutor's Office of Enna was informed of the incident, and the two people identified for the crime of "illegal possession and trafficking of explosive devices" were reported to it.
The bomb disposal experts of the Investigative Unit of the Provincial Carabinieri Command of Catania intervened to assess the incident.

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