
Ancona joins the Anci call for youth entrepreneurship and resources for 1500 thousand euros

Thanks to an Anci tender, 150.000 euros of resources are arriving in Ancona for start-ups and to encourage business culture among young people.

Ancona joins the Anci call for youth entrepreneurship and resources for 1500 thousand euros

Thanks to a Anci announcement resources of 150.000 euros are arriving in Ancona for start-ups and to encourage business culture among young people.

Everything will take place through a trade fair which will encourage meetings between young people, businesses, institutions and the main stakeholders of the area. An event that will be held in Ancona in 2024 and for which already from the first days of Design activities will begin in January.

The councilor for entrepreneurial development and youth policies Marco Battino gave the news, explaining: “The project involves the preparation of a series of initiatives aimed at increasing business culture in the under 30s and encouraging orientation towards work and free enterprise, a competition of ideas for new entrepreneurial activities and a regional event of three days, a real fair, dedicated to the world of start-ups and businesses".

The Municipality of Ancona, leader of a large public-private partnership, has obtained the suitability and therefore the financeability of a project presented to Anci, the National Association of Municipalities as part of the tender “Youth and Business”, local interventions for the orientation of young people to business culture.

Since the preliminary planning phase, the Municipality of Ancona has received the availability to be part of the partnership of the Municipalities of Maiolati Spontini and Sassoferrato, of the Polytechnic University of Marche, of the trade associations that refer to the business world: Confindustria Ancona, Confartigianato Ancona, Confapi Industria Ancona, Coldiretti Prov. Ancona, the AC75 certified business accelerator, the certified incubator The Hive and the Jepa student association.

“To this already large group of proponents – adds Battino – thanks to the contribution, coordination and dissemination of the initiative by Anci Marche, the support of the Municipalities of Jesi, Arcevia, Monte San Vito, Serra De' Conti, Numana and the Esino Frasassi Mountain Union was added . This demonstrates the widespread interest in the area towards these issues."

Ancona, si aggiunge al bando Anci per l'imprenditoria giovanile e risorse per 1500mila euro

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