Strega Prize 2024, twelve finalists announced

The fifth round on June 5th, the final on July 4th

Strega Prize 2024, twelve finalists announced.

The official selection of the dozen finalists of the 2024 edition of Strega Award, the literary recognition promoted by the Bellonci and Strega Alberti Benevento Foundation with the support of Roma Capitale and the Rome Chamber of Commerce.

i prevail female names: 7 out of 12 finalists are women. To aspire to enter the five final – which will be proclaimed on Wednesday 5nd June at the Roman Theater of Benevento – are: Sonia Aggio with “In the Emperor's Room” (Fazi), proposed by Simona Cives; Adrian N. Well done with “Adelaida” (Nutrimenti), proposed by Romana Petri; Paul DiPaolo with “Novel without humans” (Feltrinelli), proposed by Gianni Amelio;  Donatella Di Pietrantonio with “L'età fragili” (Einaudi), proposed by Vittorio Lingiardi; Tommaso Giartosio with “Autobiogrammatica” (minimum fax), proposed by Emanuele Trevi; antonella lattanzi with “Cose che non si narrato” (Einaudi), proposed by Valeria Parrella; Valentina Mira with “On the same side you will find me” (Sem), proposed by Franco Di Mare; Melissa Panarello with “History of my money” (Bompiani), proposed by Nadia Terranova; Daniele Rielli with “The invisible fire. Human history of a natural disaster” (Rizzoli), proposed by Antonio Pascale; Raffaella Romagnolo with “Adjusting the universe” (Mondadori), proposed by Lia Levi; Clare Valerio with “Chi dice e chi tace” (Sellerio), proposed by Matteo Motolese; Dario Voltolini  with “Winter” (The Ship of Theseus), proposed by Sandro Veronesi.

The announcement was made in the press conference in the Temple of Vibia Sabina and Hadrian, in Rome, while the final evening will be held on Thursday 4 July in the garden of the National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia.

«The works presented this year at the Strega prize by the Amici della Domenica offer a jagged and contradictory, but exhaustive, panorama of contemporary fiction in the Italian language», has explained Melania G. Mazzucco, president of the Steering Committee. «Oblique and non-fictional narratives, composite, essayistic, memoir or confessional, abound. But the most classic novel returns."he concludes Mazzucci.

Premio Strega 2024, annunciati i dodici finalisti

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