Pesaro: Bees as "environmental control units", the project "Let's give value to the territory" is born

The memorandum of understanding was signed on the morning of July 20th

Pesaro: Bees as "environmental control units", the project "Let's give value to the territory" is born.

Is called "We give value to the territory: environmental biomonitoring network using bees"The project which involves the Municipality of Pesaro, the Province of Pesaro and Urbino, Arpa Marche, the Marche Floristic Research Centre, Soroptimist International Club of Pesaro, IIS “A. Cecchi” of Pesaro and IIS “Fermi Sacconi Ceci” of Ascoli Piceno. Realities protagonists of company of the Memorandum of Understanding born for «Give life to an initiative that – underlined Maria Rosa Conti, Councilor for Sustainability – uses bees as environmental indicators. The objective is to create a monitoring network made up of various hives located in the regional territory to make them "environmental control units"", In the role of the Miralfiore Park will be of particular importance and its “Brilli-Cattarini” naturalistic area, designed to promote the conservation of biodiversity, which will “lend” two of the hives already present, for the surveys that Arpam will carry out, supporting «the work of the Municipality, which has always been at the forefront to promote environmental education, health protection and social protection events and activities. Guidelines that look towards Agenda 2030 and which have, in Pesaro 2024, a new driving force" added Conti.

Pesaro: Le api come "centraline ambientali", nasce il progetto "Diamo valore al territorio".

In the project also the Province of Pesaro and Urbino, coordinator of the air quality detection network and biomonitoring of the main airborne pollutants in the territory through the Marche Floristic Research Center (also home to the Environmental Education Centre). The street structure Barsanti it hosts, among other things, an area of 4500 mXNUMX with a botanical garden with rare or endangered shrubs and herbs, who are "An ideal environment, rich in nectar-producing plants, for the initiative – adds Sandro di Massimo, from the Centre -. Since 2021 we have been collaborating on the Soroptimist project which has placed two "alternative" hives, without frames, useful for the biomonitoring planned by the association". The Soroptimist International Club of Pesaro, «has in fact already given life to the biodiversity protection project “Bee Oasis – Saving bees” – explained Maria Vera Morichi, president – wanted to celebrate the centenary of the association. The project allows us to implement our three missions: promoting the protection of biodiversity; raise awareness and create greater environmental awareness; push for female empowerment by involving women in research and data dissemination. It will be a "best practice" that we could expand nationally."

Rossana Cintoli was present at the signing, general director of Arpa Marche, agency called upon to carry out technical-scientific activities for prevention, control and supervision in matters of hygiene, environmental protection and verification of the healthiness of living environments, through laboratory analyzes for the search for substances airborne chemicals. The Protocol predicts will execute chemical-biological analyzes to verify the possible presence of residues of substances pollutants (agrochemicals, heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, radionuclides, dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls, fine particles, etc.) and melissopalynological analysis (pollen recognition) to identify the plant species of bee interest present. Arpam will then make the data obtained available. «”We give value to the territory" will add an element to the environmental monitoring that we carry out daily through a new methodology, which takes into account bees (particularly effective in indicating evolution) and honey, as indicators of environmental quality» specifies Cintoli.

A be part of the network signed by the Protocol also two schools in the region that have always been active in protecting the environment. There is the IIS “A. Cecchi", immersed in the San Bartolo, which has placed two beehives within the institute's agricultural company and which has included, in the school training offer, in addition to educational activities and management of the agricultural company and greenery history, a beekeeping course, «Our apiary is up and running and it is very important for the children and teachers to be part of this initiative – says Chiara Fiorucci, vice principal – which fits well into school activities and which will allow students to "act" and experience first-hand the importance of the knowledge, notions and skills acquired".

The IIS is also present "Stop Sacconi Chickpeas” who started the school project in 2021 “Let's get together” and which is carrying out environmental monitoring of Ascoli Piceno through «a technological hive positioned outside the institute. The initiative was financed by the Marche Region and involves the IT department for data management and the Chemistry department for honey and pollen analysis and which directs all activities related to the dissemination and management of the hive in the optics of inclusion" has explained Lucia Vagnoni, school director.

Pesaro: Le api come "centraline ambientali", nasce il progetto "Diamo valore al territorio".

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