
Vicenza: “Piani Paralleli” are back, the educational proposals of youth policies for secondary schools

Councilor Nicolai: «The number of projects has increased and new thematic areas have been introduced. Over 5 students were involved last year»

Vicenza: “Piani Paralleli” are back, the educational proposals of youth policies for secondary schools.

Parallel planes, the educational proposals of youth policies for secondary schools, are back with an almost doubled offer and new thematic areas. They are 57 projects among which schools will be able to choose to join in total autonomy to increase school education for the year 2024/2025. The proposals are organized into five thematic areas: active citizenship, history and legality; art and culture; orientation; affectivity and health; environment. Among the proposals, 35 are completely free, 6 with a contribution from the Municipality and 11 with costs paid by the schools.

There are several new features compared to last year. There were 27 projects, divided into four areas (active citizenship and legality, innovation, creativity and affectivity). Last school year there were over 5 thousand students involved in the educational proposals of Parallel Plans. Among these, 19 students were trained in first aid activities as part of the project of the Italian Red Cross, Vicenza section; 9 meetings with classes from various institutes for Operation Dove; around 150 students on trips down memory lane with Istrevi; for the projects on legality about 1500 students; 130 for the guided tours of Palazzo Trissino; about 360 participated in the videomaking proposals; 60 in the street art ones; more than 1000 people in the “Sabrina” project on nutrition and eating disorders; 750 in the “Redamare” film club on affectivity.

«Following the positive feedback of last year, we increased the number of projects and presented the proposal of Parallel Plans in September to allow schools to join from the beginning of the school year, thanks to the efforts of the youth policies office – underlines the councilor for youth policies Leonardo Nicolai -. The work of synergy with education has been fundamental, to promote an ever greater integration with the Poft, and with other sectors such as culture and the environment to propose current issues. In a period characterized by continuous cuts to local authorities, we have still managed to propose and support, also with municipal contributions, a rich offer for the city's high schools. Thanks go to the many local entities that have decided to get involved and join the parallel Plans".

There are many new features planned for this year's program. Among these, "Christmas in the Basilica” with guided tours to discover the Palladian Basilica during the holidays.

There is no lack of initiatives dedicated to affection and sexuality, including Cosmo and Lilt. Cosmo offers some meetings to promote self-knowledge, to encourage the exploration of one's emotions and the management of relational dynamics and to create a safe and respectful learning environment. The Italian League for the Fight against Tumors (LILT) instead aims to promote an informed knowledge of the relationship between health, sexuality and affectivity.

The project “Promemoria_Auschwitz – A new way of remembering”, of the Deina association, focuses on a training course in various educational moments, including a visit to Auschwitz-Birkenau, to stimulate students to reflect on the history of the twentieth century. There is also the possibility of joining the Istrevi project "Passi nella storia i luoghi del fascismo e della resistenza a Vicenza e a Padova".

As regards the area dedicated to the environment, This year, “One health: an active citizenship program in Veneto schools to ban Pfas” is also being proposed, which sees as its promoter CiLLSA Citizens for Work, Legality, Health and the Environment, an association adhering to the Veneto Coordination of environmental committees, the Triveneto Node for degrowth and the Veneto Zero Waste Forum.

“I build my event” it is instead the initiative offered to schools by the Coordination of the Vicenza Festivals to give students the stimuli and notions for the conception, planning, creation and realization of an event, which can be a student assembly, as well as a festival of thousands of people.

The Piani paralleli booklet will be delivered to the city's secondary schools in the next few days.

For more information: politicagiovanili@comune.vicenza.it

Vicenza: tornano "Piani Paralleli" le proposte educative delle politiche giovanili per le scuole di secondo grado

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