Varese: on the occasion of the Pink October initiative, dedicated to breast cancer prevention, the facade of the Town Hall will be illuminated in pink
The Pink October initiative, the month dedicated to female prevention, returns to Varese to raise awareness of the importance of information and preventive diagnosis of breast cancer.
Varese: on the occasion of the Pink October initiative, dedicated to breast cancer prevention, the facade of the Town Hall will be illuminated in pink.
The initiative returns to Varese Pink October, the month dedicated to female prevention, to raise awareness of the importance of information and preventive diagnosis of breast cancer. Starting this Tuesday, October 1st, the facade of the town hall will be illuminated in pink.
“Pink October puts the spotlight on the importance of prevention and information for women's health and well-being – says councilor Rossella Dimaggio – with the awareness that performing Preventive diagnostic tests are the first step to take care of oneself. An educational factor that is also valid for young women”.
On Friday 4th October there will also be a meeting in the Salone Estense for the presentation of the book Percorsi d'ombra. From the dark evil to the curable disease by Professor Marco Pierotti. The event is promoted by Soroptimist International Club Varese in collaboration with the associations Caos and Varese per l’oncologia. Appointment for Friday 4 October at 17.30:5 in the hall of Palazzo Estense, in via Sacco XNUMX.
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