Tusa: New findings have emerged in the archaeological area of ​​Halesa Arconidea. A very large thermal complex has been discovered

The excavations also brought to light a vast monumental complex, previously unknown, consisting of a network of streets and a new section of fortifications, useful for the reconstruction of a new urban layout of the Hellenistic and Roman city.

Tusa: new findings have emerged in the archaeological area of ​​Halesa Arconidea. A very extensive thermal complex has been discovered.

Two rooms with mosaic floor, a courtyard with porticoed wings and remains of a thermal plant: this is what emerged in the archaeological area of Halesa Arconidea, in Tusa, following the conclusion of the fifth excavation campaign conducted by the University of Palermo, in collaboration with the Archaeological Park of Tindari and the Municipality of the town in the province of Messina.

«The thermal plant that came to light – said the councilor for cultural heritage, Francesco Paolo Scarpinato - represents a unique one in Sicily for the very rich decorative apparatus and for its size, equal to about 800 square meters, among the largest on the island".

The excavations also brought to light a vast monumental complex, until now unknown, composed of a network of roads, and a new stretch of fortifications, useful for the reconstruction of a new urban layout of the Hellenistic and Roman city.

«Considering the importance of the archaeological findings – said Domenico Targia, interim director of the Tindari Archaeological Park – the site will immediately be subjected to specific conservative restoration and safety interventions, in order to guarantee its valorization and use».

Tusa: sono emersi nuovi ritrovamenti nell'area archeologica di Halesa Arconidea. Scoperto un impianto termale molto esteso

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