Trieste: XXIV edition of the “International Musical Mornings of Trieste”

Musical cultural event in Trieste

Trieste: XXIV edition of the “International Musical Mornings of Trieste”

He has declared the municipal councilor for Culture and Tourism Policies Giorgio Rossi: “I can only congratulate Massimo Belli for this event which always stands out for its quality and public success. This year's beautiful program will begin at the Revoltella Museum and then continue in the Sala Luttazzi. By now you know that the Revoltella will undergo some renovations, which will also affect the Auditorium. The goals are to host additional and diversified events in the Sala Sofianopulo, and, thanks to the redevelopment of the Sala Scarpa, in light of the results of the exhibition dedicated to Van Gogh, to organize ourselves to host other important exhibitions. The Revoltella Museum must keep pace with other European museum structures. Now the Luttazzi Hall will be able to contain more than four hundred people – concluded Giorgio Rossi – and therefore it can rightfully host important events such as those we are presenting here today and many others.”


The festival enjoys numerous collaborations: the Operetta Festival, IMK – Society for the promotion of Music and Culture, the Giuseppe Tartini Conservatory of Trieste, AIAM – Italian Association of Musical Activities, CIDIM – Italian National Committee for Music, Brilliant Classics, Movimento Classical, Bartok Studio, Scuola di Musica 55 – Casa della Musica, Associazione Sergio Gaggia and the Tartini Festival of Piran.


- Ticket pre-sale at Ticket Point (Galleria Rossoni, Corso Italia 9, open from 8.30 to 12.30 and from 15.30 to 19, from Monday to Saturday).
- Cost of the ticket: full 15,00 euro + DP, reduced (under 26 and over 65) 12,00 euros + DP; subscriptions: 9 concert carnet 90,00 euro + DP, 5 concert carnet 55,00 euro + DP).
- Online sales on the site, for information:



Trieste: XXIV edizione delle “Mattinate Musicali Internazionali di Trieste"

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