Sicily: agreement between Region, Usr and Biesse association to combat youth hardship

"Justice and Humanity - Free to Choose", the project that aims to promote the culture of legality, the value of choice and freedom, will be presented at Palazzo Sclafani in Palermo on September 26th.

Sicily: agreement between Region, Usr and Biesse association to combat youth hardship

Accompanying students of Sicilian schools of all levels in a path of education to citizenship and legality, to gender respect and to the fight against all forms of discrimination, with the aim of reducing juvenile hardship and deviance and promoting the development and fulfillment of the human person. This is the objective of the memorandum of understanding signed by the regional department of Education and Professional Training, the Regional School Office for Sicily and the Biesse Cultural Association for Social Good, for the implementation of the project called “Justice and Humanity – Free to Choose“, which will be presented to Sclafani Palace in Palermo, the next September 26th.

The project, inspired by the work of the juvenile judge Roberto DiBella, which has allowed many adolescents at risk of deviance to experience new horizons in life, provides for promote the culture of legality, the value of choice and freedom as a primary good, through watching films, reading books, online and in-person meetings in schools with institutional figures (law enforcement, judiciary, actors, directors, witnesses of justice) and the organization of a competition aimed at all Sicilian educational institutions.

The Department of Education e Usr Sicily will participate in the project activities and involve the school institutions, while the Biesse association is committed to concretely implementing cultural and educational activities for students, to collaborate with companies and organizations in the area to combat educational poverty and social exclusion and promote the health and well-being of disadvantaged youth groups. Among the most innovative aspects, the fight against all forms of discrimination and stigmatization of young offenders and the promotion of work projects aimed at young people undergoing criminal proceedings.

«We want to affirm an idea, that is, that school is the greatest means of social redemption – declares the Councillor for Education, Mimmo Turano – a tool for emancipation and change. Supporting a project like “Justice and Humanity – Free to Choose” means telling young Sicilians that there are no marked lives, that there is always a real possibility for change, it also means changing the image of Sicily from a land of condemnation to a land of redemption».

«The school – says the general director of the Usr Sicilia Giuseppe Pierro – has always been committed to ensuring that the right to education is guaranteed to everyone, both minors and adults. Our commitment is also maximum in the fight against school dropout, also strengthening all those activities that can contribute to reducing this complex phenomenon with multiple causes at its origin. The school has also given itself the task of creating connections with the reality of the territory in which each educational institution operates in order to increase the educational value of the initiatives and create prospects for our young people».

«No destiny is sealed forever – says the president of Biesse, Brown Seville – “Justice and Humanity – Free to Choose” is a hymn to hope that one can escape from criminal contexts and that another life is possible. Since 2019 we have been going around schools throughout Italy through this project promoted and conceived by the Biesse Cultural Association for Social Good, which is inspired by the work of Judge Di Bella, educating young people about the value of freedom and conscious choice. From Calabria, where the project was transformed into a regional law (the n.27 of 28 June 2023), today the initiative lands in Sicily with this memorandum of understanding. A great pride for all of us. I sincerely thank the director of the Usr Sicilia Pierro, the councilor Turano, the president of the Ses – Gazzetta del Sud Giornale di Sicilia and of the Bonino Pulejo Foundation Lino Morgante, who gives voice and space to this extraordinary educational path aimed at schools and young people. And a special thanks goes to the undersecretary of the Ministry of the Interior, Wanda Ferro».

Sicilia: intesa tra Regione, Usr e associazione Biesse per contrastare il disagio giovanile

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