Scillato: the anti-mafia mural “12 faces 12 names” inaugurated
Il murals against the mafia "12 faces 12 names" It was inaugurated on the morning of September 27th, in Cesare Terranova Street in Scillato, in the province of Palermo, in the presence of the regional councillor for Family, Social Policies and Work, Nuccia Albano. On a long wall 31 meters by 1,80 meters high twelve faces of as many victims of the mafia were created.
«Memory – he declares Nuccia Albano – lives again through the work of the community and community involvement. A project of great civil value that pays homage to twelve heroes who sacrificed their lives for justice and freedom.
The work was created by the artist Laura Pitingaro, on the proposal of the municipal administration, and involved the citizens. The inhabitants of the area, in fact, under the guidance of the artist, took up their brushes and drew on the wall.
The mural represents the faces of Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa, Ninni Cassara, Pio La Torre, Giovanni Falcone, Father Pino Puglisi, Lenin Mancuso, Cesare Terranova, Peppino Impastato, Paolo Borsellino, Rocco Chinnici, Boris Julian e Piersanti Mattarella.
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