Rimini and Vicenza. Together for the enhancement of cultural and tourist heritage
The collaboration agreement between Vicenza and Rimini for the cultural and tourist promotion of the two territories was signed this morning in the Romagna city after the experience already started with Mantua
Rimini and Vicenza. Together for the enhancement of cultural and tourist heritage.
Vicenza and Rimini together to enhance the rich museum and monumental heritage of two territories. This morning in the Romagna city Mayors Giacomo Possamai and Jamil Sadegholvaad have officially signed the collaboration agreement that binds the two municipal administrations for the cultural and tourist promotion of the two territories: an experience that the Veneto Municipality has already started with Mantua and that is now being proposed again with Rimini, thus strengthening a synergy that sees the two cities already united in the trade fair sector, with Italian Exhibition Group.
The objective of the collaboration agreement is therefore to implement shared strategies and actions with the aim of enhancing the specificities of the territories and enhancing their cultural attractiveness through coordinated tourism promotion.
«I thank Giacomo Possamai and the city of Vicenza for this 'alliance' that fuels the potential of two territories and two important realities for the country in the name of the enhancement of cultural heritage and tourism promotion – comments Mayor Jamil Sadegholvaad – A collaboration that will continue with a series of upcoming initiatives that, in our intentions, will have to be of the highest level. Today we start from the facilitation for the cross-use of the respective cultural deposits and tomorrow we want to arrive at the investment, for example, in large international art exhibitions that, in different periods of the year, will give prestige and attractiveness to Vicenza and Rimini. That of the cultural production is one of the great times of this historical period and by joining forces and synergies between the two Municipalities, together with IEG, we believe we can play a role as a new protagonist".
«We are pleased to announce today the agreement with Rimini, which starts an important collaboration for both cities –commented the mayor of Vicenza Giacomo Possamai -. Vicenza and Rimini already have a deep dialogue, thanks to the collaboration that led to the birth of the IEG trade fair center. After the first recent experience of the same kind with Mantua – continues the mayor referring to today's agreement – we decided to continue adopting the same method also with this new agreement with Rimini. Networking from a cultural and tourist perspective is fundamental to fuel an exchange of experiences and therefore mutual growth, but also to make our cities and their beauties more and more known. Today's is just a first step, but we have ambitious projects: among the proposals we want to put into play is the idea of organizing a shared exhibition, given that Vicenza and Rimini are far enough away to launch joint initiatives".
The protocol, which defines the guidelines and areas of collaboration on which to build a common strategy, has already resulted in a first operational activity and provides for the possibility for residents of Rimini and Vicenza to take advantage of discounts to visit the museum centers of the two cities. Specifically, residents of Rimini will be able to purchase the Vicenza Card at a reduced rate (15 euros instead of 20); similarly, residents of Vicenza visiting Rimini will have the opportunity to purchase the Rimini Art Card at a discounted price (14 euros instead of 18).
La Vicenza Card it is a cumulative ticket that allows you to visit the Olympic Theatre, the Civic Museum of Palazzo Chiericati, the Church of Santa Corona, the Naturalistic-Archaeological Museum, the Galleries of Palazzo Thiene, the Museum of the Risorgimento and the Resistance, the Galleries of Italy - Palazzo Leoni Montanari, the Museum Diocesan, Palladio Museum, Basilica Palladiana (exhibitions excluded), Jewelery Museum.
The Rimini Art Card includes the Surgeon's Domus, City Museum, Palaces of Art and Fellini Museum.
This is a first joint action which will be followed by other wide-ranging and transversal activities, both in terms of communication and for the creation of shared initiatives and events.
The agreement, which will be valid for three years, it also provides for a commitment by the two cities to mutual promotion through their communication channels (websites, social networks, info points), the activation of relationships between the two library networks, the development of communication campaigns for the promotion of the respective territories and of the visiting tools already active such as the museum entrance cards.
Mutual participation in events and demonstrations, support for cultural exchanges both between citizens and between associations of the two cities, the activation of forms of partnership for the application of projects to ministerial, European or promoted by other bodies.
Finally, working tables, workshops or other forms of synergies will be activated to exchange experiences and good practices.
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