Milano, Ex Istituto Marchiondi-Spagliardi: from abandonment to innovative student residence

The former Marchiondi Institute becomes a university student residence dedicated to the arts, opening in 2028.

Milano, Ex Istituto Marchiondi-Spagliardi: from abandoned to innovative student residence.

“Life from Arts” presented, the conservative restoration project of the municipal property.

History and future, art and education, urban redevelopment and regeneration: these are the founding elements of the project 'Life from Arts – A new life for the Marchiondi' thanks to which the former Marchiondi-Spagliardi Institute, in the Baggio district, will become an innovative university student residence. The initiative was presented in Sala Alessi, at Palazzo Marino, in the presence of the Mayor of Milano Giuseppe Sala.

The municipal building, an example of architectural 'brutalism' and designed between 1953 and 1957 by the architect Vittoriano Viganò, used for a long time to welcome young people from difficult and disadvantaged backgrounds, had been in a state of abandonment for years.

Milano, Ex Istituto Marchiondi-Spagliardi: da abbandono a innovativo studentato.

After a concerted effort by institutions that have long been committed to giving the building a new lease of life, and in response to an expression of interest submitted in 2022, the building was entrusted in 2024 to the Fondazione Collegio delle Università Milanesi on a 40-year free loan for use basis, with the aim of creating a university residence. This aim, after years of waiting, is now coming to fruition with the official presentation of the 'Life from Arts' project, the construction of which will begin next year.

Milano, Ex Istituto Marchiondi-Spagliardi: da abbandono a innovativo studentato

“The process that will lead to the opening of a university residence in a municipally owned building complex is starting – explained the Mayor of Milano Giuseppe Sala -. In a period in which high rents and high housing prices weigh dramatically even on the young students who attend our universities, the redevelopment and transformation of the former Marchiondi-Spagliardi institute into a student residence acquires even more value for the Baggio neighborhood and for the entire city. 'Life from Arts' is an innovative project that combines art, education, sociality, attention to the environment and the social context in which it will develop. I thank the Fondazione Collegio delle Università Milanesi for the seriousness of the proposal and for the commitment with which, I am sure, it will make it a reality”.

The innovative university residence that will be built where the abandoned building currently stands, and which will extend over a surface area of ​​over 21 thousand square meters, will have art as its main driver: it is the first Italian experience of its kind (one of the first in Europe).

The student residence will be dedicated in particular to students of faculties related to the visual, musical and performing arts, but also to students enrolled in other faculties (including non-humanistic ones) interested in developing their artistic sensibility. Teachers, researchers, PhD students and young artists will also be able to access it. In total, 167 beds are planned in the Collegio di Merito: cutting-edge accommodation in terms of technology and energy.

Milano, Ex Istituto Marchiondi-Spagliardi: da abbandono a innovativo studentato

Services and spaces for study and artistic, musical and choreographic training will also be offered, as well as laboratory, sports and catering spaces. The timetable for the implementation of the intervention foresees the awarding of the works by the end of 2024 and the start of construction by spring 2025, with the opening of the residence by September 2028.


The overall construction cost is approximately 44,5 million euros, of which 6 million euros made available by the Municipality of Milano, 85% covered by the Foundation (partly from funding from the 338th call for proposals MUR Law 2000/36,7 for XNUMX million euros).

Milano, Ex Istituto Marchiondi-Spagliardi: da abbandono a innovativo studentato.


“Rereading the past with the eyes of the future, in a process of urban regeneration that requires pragmatism, hard work and the optimism of those who pursue an objective of great public value that is at the same time social, cultural and civic: fundamental elements for a project that the Municipality of Milano and the Fondazione Collegio delle Università share with all the protagonists who are making it possible – Deputy Mayor and Education Councillor Anna Scavuzzo underlined -. A valorization of the municipal property that transforms degradation into beauty and a problem into an opportunity, also working together with the University and businesses: a historic place of education of Milano which comes back to life and tells the story of the importance of investing in young people".

Milano, Ex Istituto Marchiondi-Spagliardi: da abbandono a innovativo studentato.

“The close bond that ties the Fondazione Collegio delle Università Milanesi, the city and the municipal administration is one. A close bond that is confirmed and strengthened with this project, ensuring the protection of what exists and attention to the future” – underlined Salvatore Carrubba, President of the Foundation of the College of the Universities of Milano.

“Life from Arts is unique in the European panorama, because it offers a formative residency where all students with a passion for the arts will find a place to fully live their self in an international context. A society more attentive to the arts and beauty is a more open and more inclusive society” – said Stefano Blanco, General Director of the Milanese University College Foundation.

“With this intervention the former Marchiondi will come back to life because it is inhabited by a community and only through works that also capture its more general teaching in the executive development and try to carry it forward with coherence” – said Angelo Bugatti, Architect of Studio BCMA and CAUP Shanghai.

Milano, Ex Istituto Marchiondi-Spagliardi: da abbandono a innovativo studentato

Foundation of the College of Milanese Universities

The Fondazione Collegio delle Università Milanesi is a non-profit institution supported by universities and important public and private bodies in the city of Milano. The Foundation's goal is to be a point of reference within the Italian and European academic, institutional and entrepreneurial landscape.

The activities of the Fondazione Collegio delle Università Milanesi are aimed at the dissemination and promotion of college life, the enhancement of the culture of merit, the internationalization of the university system and the integration of local realities. Through the study of the dynamics related to temporary residence within multicultural contexts, it also proposes itself as a lever for incentivizing social mobility and active citizenship.

The Foundation animates the College of Milano, an inter-university campus of merit that involves all the Milanese universities.
The universities involved are the University of Milano, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Luigi Bocconi Commercial University, IULM, University of Milano-Bicocca, Polytechnic of Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Humanitas University.

Members of the Foundation

University of Milano, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Luigi Bocconi Commercial University, IULM, University of Milano-Bicocca, Polytechnic of Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Humanitas University, Municipality of Milano, Lombardy Region, Assolombarda, Chamber of Commerce of Milano, Aspen Institute Italia, Bracco, Edison, Intesa Sanpaolo, Mediaset and Pirelli & C.

Milano, Ex Istituto Marchiondi-Spagliardi: da abbandono a innovativo studentato

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