
Milano: “Let's conquer our space”, posters all over the city and an Academy of Shared Roads

Posters all over the city and a Shared Roads Academy

Milano: “Let's conquer our space”, posters all over the city and an Academy of Shared Roads

The first awareness campaign has started these days, promoted by the Municipality of Milano and curated by C40 Cities, within the framework of the plan 'Milano Futura Ora' launched last May by the Mayor of Milano Giuseppe Sala.

The campaign aims to increase theattention to shared public space and the issues of active mobility. Moving on foot, choosing public transport, moving by bike or with a shared vehicle is a way to take care of the air, of Milano, of those who live there and of those who inhabit it, especially children and older people. It also helps reduce traffic, improving circulation for all road users.

“A healthy and safe public space is a priority for Milano – declares the mayor of Milano Giuseppe Sala –. As Vice President of C40 Cities I wanted an information and awareness campaign for citizens on the care of public space Milano: our streets, squares, intersections. The campaign speaks to everyone about how certain choices – such as Area B, Open Squares, electric buses or school streets – really improve health and quality of life, especially that of children and the elderly. The policies of the Municipality serve to lay the foundations for change, but the behaviors of citizens are essential to make a difference. Using public transportation, moving on foot or by bike, using private cars only when necessary, parking them in compliance with the rules, moderating speed and paying attention to light vehicles at intersections are essential behaviors to take care of our common space and enjoy it to the fullest.".

The campaign, produced with the creative direction of the Leftloft studio and already visible in the communication spaces of the Atm and Municipality networks around the city, tells the story of the initiatives dedicated to streets and public spaces, such as Piazze Aperte, Area B, the electrification of public transport and the 30 Zones and informs about the benefits of active mobility, involving road users with a series of in-depth events on road safety.

Along with the posters and an information website, the Accademia delle Strade Condivise will also be created, a series of training sessions on road safety issues, to promote healthier mobility and increasingly safer public spaces. It will be open to drivers of heavy vehicles, teachers and parents and many other categories. Inspired by projects already launched in recent years by cities such as London and Mexico City, the Accademia will be developed from the end of November until spring 2025.

'Milano Futura Ora' is the plan for the care of public space and mobility launched last May by the Mayor of Milano Giuseppe Sala. The Municipality promotes a series of initiatives dedicated to streets and public spaces to improve people's health. Starting from Area B, the plan focuses on spaces around schools, road safety, air quality and collaboration with the private sector.

Among the initiatives, from now until 2027, the creation of the pedestrian and cycling plan of Milano, the introduction of Berlin cushions and new 30 roads, the relaunch of the Open Squares for Schools plan with dozens of interventions underway, the transformation of intersections, a path to decarbonise last-mile logistics and awareness campaigns on the issues of active mobility and road safety https://www.milanofuturaora.it/

C40 is a non-profit organization that connects nearly 100 of the world's largest cities to help them implement climate policies, aiming to halve emissions in cities by 2030 and to zero them by 2050. It is a network led by mayors, currently in particular by the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan and the Mayor of Freetown Yvonne Aki Sawyerr. Each region of the world also has 'vice presidents', who for Europe are the Mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo and the Mayor of Milano Giuseppe Sala. C40 helps cities and Mayors with technical assistance, promoting the exchange of good practices and providing support in building alliances, campaigns and advocacy actions that can help accelerate change. https://www.c40.org/

leftloft is an independent branding and communication design studio. Founded in Milano in 1997, helps clients connect with people, designing visual identity, communication and digital products. In over 25 years of activity Leftloft has realized more than 1.500 projects nationally and internationally in different sectors, cultural and business, receiving awards and recognitions at the D&AD Award, ED-Awards, ADI Design Index, Laus Award, Creative Review Annual, TDC Annual.

Calendar of appointments on the site www.milanofuturaora.it.

Milano: "Conquistiamo il nostro spazio", manifesti in tutta la città e un'Accademia delle Strade Condivise


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