Macerata, a viewpoint named after Oriana Fallaci.
It took place yesterday afternoon, in viale Puccinotti a Macerata, above the rotunda of the Diaz Gardens, the dedication ceremony of the belvedere in memory of the writer and journalist Oriana Fallaci. The naming process was started following the approval by the municipal council of motion no. 35 of 30 March 2021 presented by councilor Laura Orazi and other majority councillors.
Fine writer and prestigious journalist
“Oriana Fallaci was a fine writer and prestigious journalist and, during her varied career, she boasted of being the first Italian female journalist to go to war as a special correspondent” we read in the motion approved by the city assembly.
“Oriana Fallaci has contributed to freedom of information and expression in our country and throughout the world and is recognized as one of the greatest interpreters of Italian journalism – said the mayor Sandro Parcaroli -. The value that the Florentine writer gave to Italian culture, literature and journalism is well known due to her courage, repeatedly demonstrated, in living in places of war".
Oriana Fallaci
Fallaci, whose books, translated into many languages, have sold over 20 million copies all over the world, has been awarded numerous national and international recognitions and honours, including, for example, the honorary degree in Literature from University of Chicago. In 2005, in New York, you received the Annie Taylor Award for “Heroism and Valor” and, in the same year, the Ambrogino d'Oro in Milano and the Gold Medal for Meritorious Culture from the then President of the Republic Carlo Azeglio Ciampi.
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