Initiative "The role of the drug user in the mafia economy", promoted and implemented by the State Police, PS Fondi Commissariat.

The fight against the mafia and its intricate link with drugs is an everyday challenge, which the young people of Fondi are called to take up, becoming ambassadors of legality.

Initiative "The role of the drug user in the mafia economy", promoted and implemented by the State Police, PS Fondi Commissariat. 

The initiative to promote the culture of legality called concluded on Thursday 1 February “The role of the drug user in the mafia economy”, promoted and implemented by the State Police, PS Fondi Commissariat.

The cycle of five meetings, which saw operators from the State Police interact with students from the Istituto Superiore Pacinotti in Fondi, was a great success among young people and the teachers themselves.

The need to address this issue, in a certainly new way, arose in the context of the various initiatives already carried out among the benches, by police operators equipped with particular communication skills, when, when dealing with the topic of drugs, the assumption spread among students that the use of drugs could only harm those who take them, without taking into account a marked series of consequences that instead imply the phase of retail purchase and consumption.

Each meeting was preceded by a preparatory but highly empathetic moment, during which the speaker narrated a story totally unrelated to both the mafia and drug use, but highly harmful towards third parties, for the search for an instant of strong personal, adrenaline-filled emotion, aimed at mere personal satisfaction.

The thrill of an instant at the cost of the lives of others.

This phase prepared the young people for the actual topic, putting them in the shoes of the victims.

We then got to the heart of the matter under consideration, telling how the mafia has evolved and branched out across the territory also with illicit capital investments, but highlighting what is the pillar of its economy, drugs, whose trafficking is only possible through a well-structured and branched criminal organization.

Precisely in order to break the idea in the collective imagination that drugs can only harm those who use them, the entire supply chain that brings them to the final markets was represented, starting from its production and following its various routes, like a red thread made of exploitation, suffering and blood.

In short, the hidden social aspect that accompanies a substance with only a recreational appearance.

All the narratives were accompanied by photographic material, to remain indelible like slides in their minds.

We began by talking about the living conditions of children forced to work in the fields, of their families and the exploitation to which they are subjected by a ferocious mafia, of how very young people work for hours and hours in the refineries, often naked, to prevent them from being conceal the substance, deprived of every basic right, of the role of very young people in the pay of criminal gangs, torn from childhood, whose life, especially in some countries of Asia and Central/South America, has no value.

Iniziativa "Il ruolo del consumatore di droga nell'economia della mafia", promossa e realizzata dalla Polizia di Stato, Commissariato di P.S. Fondi. 

We then continued by telling the story of policemen killed on duty by traffickers, with examples of real-life news events.

It's still the events of Falcone, Borsellino and their escorts, stories of courage interspersed with the reading aloud of the names of the various fallen in the name of justice and freedom, underlining how we take for granted the more or less comfortable life we ​​lead, which is instead the result of sacrifices, often ignored, of those who sacrificed themselves for the value of a principle.

Not just law enforcement officers and magistrates, but also priests and courageous common citizens.

Hence the parallelism between those who harm others to experience a moment of thrill and those who do it daily, unconsciously, by administering drugs, becoming a small shareholder of this sick market and of the mafia, which thrives on this distorted economy with an incalculable human cost .

This course was a journey into awareness of one's own actions, of how important these are at any age and at any level, of how everyone's role, in their own small way, can instead be significant in a larger and more complex plan, a constant commitment , a collective work that starts from individual gestures.

Each meeting ended with the projection of the marvelous short film “The Appeal”, made 25 years after the mafia massacres in Capaci and via D'Amelio in Palermo, but always extremely vibrant and moving.

The appeal, the one that the State Police intended to address, is a symbolic metaphor of resistance to oblivion, which reminds us how the fight against the mafia and its intricate link with drugs is an everyday challenge, which the young people of Fondi are called to take up, becoming ambassadors of legality, a driving force in the construction of a healthy territory free from criminal phenomena.

Iniziativa "Il ruolo del consumatore di droga nell'economia della mafia", promossa e realizzata dalla Polizia di Stato, Commissariato di P.S. Fondi. 

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