
Frosinone: “School and Constitution Festival”, identity and unitary value of belonging to the community

Frosinone: "School and Constitution Festival", identity and unitary value of belonging to the community

Frosinone: “School and Constitution Festival”, identity and unitary value of belonging to the community

An intergenerational celebration to reaffirm the identity and unitary value of belonging to the community, to reflect on the duties and rights of citizens and to share moments of joy and aggregation: these are the key elements of the School and Constitution Festival. The 2024 edition was held at the sports palace in Frosinone.

Present, with the Mayor Riccardo Mastrangelo and the councilor for public education Valentina Sementilli, the managers, teachers and students of the four comprehensive schools and their families.

"Since 2012, the School and Constitution Festival has become an unmissable event for the students of the primary and secondary schools of the capital – declared the Mayor Riccardo Mastrangeli – The students, thanks also to the precious support of the managers and teachers, were today the protagonists of high-profile artistic and cultural performances inspired by article 3 of our Constitutional Charter, a fundamental act of the Italian Republic, which states:

'All citizens have equal social dignity and are equal before the law, without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinion, personal and social conditions. It is the duty of the Republic to remove the economic and social obstacles that, by limiting the freedom and equality of citizens, impede the full development of the human person and the effective participation of all workers in the political, economic and social organization of the country.'.

Frosinone: "Festa della Scuola e della Costituzione", valore identitario ed unitario di appartenenza alla comunità

Article 3 reiterates, therefore, very clearly and simply that all of us, young and old, have the same rights and duties and must be treated with the same respect.

The article 3 It was written to remind us that every person has value, and that no one can be excluded or treated differently. When the right of an individual is denied, in fact, the whole community suffers. The Italian Republic, in fact, is not an abstract entity, but It is made up of each of us, with our own characteristics, our own skills, our own special and unique being.

This means that We need to work together to remove the obstacles that can prevent people from fully realizing themselves within our society and contributing, so, actively contribute to the cohesion and strength of the community. We must commit to ensuring that every person has the same opportunities to grow, learn and realize their dreams".

Frosinone: "Festa della Scuola e della Costituzione", valore identitario ed unitario di appartenenza alla comunità

“A heartfelt thank you – declared the councilor Seedlings – to the kids who have worked so enthusiastically and committedly on today’s performances and who, every day, piece by piece, in the classrooms of our schools, build their own baggage of experiences and knowledge, which will allow them to successfully face the challenges that the future will hold for them.

All this would not have been possible without the support of families, managers, teachers and all non-teaching staff who, day after day, work within the institutes of our territory. so that each student can fully express their potential, both professionally and personally, to excel in the profession of tomorrow and to become an aware and responsible citizen, within a society that we hope will increasingly put the values ​​of merit, solidarity and social cohesion first".

Frosinone: "Festa della Scuola e della Costituzione", valore identitario ed unitario di appartenenza alla comunità

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