Focus: “Artificial intelligence – a revolution for humanity” on July 21st in prime time

The program tells what AI is, its history, its current and future applications

Focus: “Artificial intelligence – a revolution for humanity” on July 21st in prime time.

It is the theme of the moment. The catchphrase of the algorithm was not enough: accomplice the hype triggered by Chat GPT (and similar) – among the last, but certainly not the most important and design tool that the discipline of Artificial Intelligence can provide to humanity -, the AI è in the eye of the storm, for the infinite ethical, social, economic and creative implications it entails.

The program illustrates the Pepper figure, robot-humanoid subject of important research at the University of Palermo. Pepper, to date, is already capable of recognize yourself in the mirror and interact with humans, explaining the logical processes that lead him to make a suggestion, to ask for a behavior, to make choices himself. Now work is being done so that Pepper can experience something similar to self-awareness and emotions. One step that makes WestWorld so much…

Focus: "Intelligenza artificiale - una rivoluzione per l'umanità" il 21 luglio in prima serata

Lo special also talks about the future developments of AI, of the opportunities and possible social risks that it could entail: an aspect on which to focus, both for the need to arrive at a correct algorithmic, and to achieve essential regulation of the sector.

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