La Spezia: “CHATWIN AWARD 2023 – walking around the world” for travel enthusiasts

Homage to Bruce Chatwin, writer and photographer, the international narrative and photography competition begins. In November the events and awards ceremony will be held in La Spezia, the city where he was born 22 years ago.

La Spezia: “CHATWIN AWARD 2023 – walking around the world” for travel enthusiasts.

He returns to La Spezia, the city where he was born Chatwin Prize - walking around the world. Designed in 2001 by Luciana Damiano, the Award is dedicated to English writer and photographer Bruce Chatwin and addresses the travelers and travel literature enthusiasts. The initiative is organized by the Chatwin Cultural Association, with the contribution of the Municipality of La Spezia, the Liguria Region and the support of the Carispezia Foundation.

The initiative was presented on the morning of 17 July at the Palazzo Civico della Spezia by the Mayor Pierluigi Peracchini, by the manager of the Culture sector Rosanna Ghirri and by Luciana Damiano, creator and artistic director of the Chatwin Prize.

“The Chatwin Prize is an initiative dedicated to honoring the memory of one of the greatest writers and travelers of our time, Bruce Chatwin, but above all a way to involve enthusiasts of fiction, exploration and discovery in a competition – The Mayor of La Spezia Pierluigi Peracchini declared – In fact, the writer has inspired millions of people through his literary adventures and his travels undertaken in the most remote and fascinating places in the world, and the Prize is also an opportunity to rediscover the themes he addressed and recounted in his works, thanks to appointments and events organized in parallel with the event, involving all generations and also schools. La Spezia has a very close link with art, culture and adventure and we are happy that the Chatwin Prize is returning to the city where he was born, a great opportunity that encourages writers and adventurers to share their stories and experiences unique with the world”.

La Spezia: "PREMIO CHATWIN 2023 - camminando per il mondo" per gli appassionati di viaggi. 

The 2023 edition opens, as per tradition, with the launch of the call for an international narrative and photography competition addressed to all those, professionals or otherwise, who have written short stories and/or created a photographic reportage (5 shots).

I works they should be delivered by October 21st according to the methods indicated in the notice. The pre-selection will be entrusted to a commission of 10 experts in the two sectors of interest.

A draw up the ranking of the finalists of each section of the competition will be one jury composed of writers, journalists, photographers, television authors, directors, anthropologists and chaired by the writer Andrea De Carlo and the master of photography Francesco Cito.

President of the previous editions They were: Mario Monicelli, Carlo Lizzani, Giuliano Montaldo, Ferzan Ozpetek, Domenico Procacci, Paolo Virzì, Ermanno Rea, Mario Dondero; in the 2021-22 edition, Dacia Maraini and Gianni Berengo Gardin.

Over the course of over twenty years of activity the The Chatwin Prize narrative and photography competition received wide acclaim from the public and the press and saw the participation of candidates from several non-European countries including Syria, Iran, Pakistan, North Korea, the United States and New Zealand.

At the end of the competition, the event will continue on 17 and 18 November with meetings, photographic exhibitions, workshops in schools. Among the new features this year, a in-depth study dedicated to Patagonia, the region to which Bruce Chatwin dedicated the first work of his extraordinary literary production. Speaking about it, among others, will be the mountaineer Ermanno Salvaterra, author of the book "Patagonia, the great dream...".

Then he returns special award "Travel at the tip of a pencil“, awarded in the past to Tullio Altan and which this year will be collected by the cartoonist, publisher and director Igor Tuveri, aka Igort. An inevitable focus on the future of travel literature in the digital age with a dedicated meeting that will have the blogger and traveler Claudio Pelizzeni among its guests.

Moreover, with the aim of introducing young people to literature and travel, the Prize has decided to promote two initiatives: the first, "Travel at Km 0″, a writing workshop conducted by Andrea Bocconi – travel writer and owner of the writing workshop of the Travel School – which will focus on the discovery of the territory, involving some high school classes in the city; the second, "Yes, travel“, will engage a group of students in the creation of multimedia journalistic products relating to related activities.

The event will conclude with a final event-show at the Teatro Civico della Spezia. On that occasion, screenings, readings and meetings with national and international guests will alternate; the award ceremony of the competition winners; the delivery of special prizes, recognitions to some of the most representative personalities of the cultural panorama of cinema, photography, music, the environment and comics.

To anticipate the stage final of the Prize will be one photographic exhibition, curated by Maurizio Garofalo, created with the selection of the best shots of the participants in the previous editions of the Chatwin Prize, scheduled 23 19 from October to November in the rooms of the Ligurian Regional Media Library Sergio Fregoso.

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