Carbonia: “Let’s Clean Up the World 2024” almost 2000 people, including students, teachers and volunteers
Carbonia: "Let's Clean Up the World 2024" almost 2000 people, including students, teachers and volunteers
Carbonia: “Let’s Clean Up the World 2024” almost 2000 people, including students, teachers and volunteers
Also this year almost 2000 people, including students, teachers and volunteers, participated in the new edition of “CLEAN UP THE WORLD” held throughout the municipal territory.
The initiative, promoted by Legambiente at a national level and by the municipal Departments of the Environment and Education with the proactive collaboration of the public hygiene service company De Vizia – now in its 30th edition - It allowed the cleaning of numerous buildings and areas of the city as well as the hamlets, thanks to the synergic work of the participants who, armed with gloves, tongs and collection bags, gave their best both to offer a concrete service to the community and to give a strong civic example.; the collected and bagged waste will subsequently be disposed of by the public hygiene service contracting company.
The following schools, Don Milani. Satta, Deledda Pascoli, Beccaria, Angioy, Ipia E.Loi, Gritti, and the voluntary associations, NABA, Anmig, Coordination of the Bacu Abis Associations, Odv Athena, No Eta ecozoofile guards and obviously Legambiente, respectively, participated in the event.
“The commitment of so many people in support of environmental protection is a source of pride for our entire community,” said the Environment Councillor Manolo Mureddu. “The initiative that took place this morning,” he continued, “is a demonstration of how everyone can, even in their own small way, do something concrete to improve our city and thus contribute to creating a better world for all, and at the same time, by example, help raise awareness among others on the fundamental issue of respect for the environment.”
The Mayor Pietro Morittu, visiting the places where the event took place, recalling the importance of the event and the commitment of the municipal administration for its success, thanked all those – from associations, to students, to teachers and individual citizens – who with commitment and self-denial rolled up their sleeves to protect the decorum of our city. "An extraordinary result, he said, made possible by the collaboration, team spirit and large participation of associations, schools and citizens, animated and united by the love for the city of Carbonia.".
Satisfaction was also expressed by the Councillor for Public Education Antonietta Melas for “a morning that the schools, the main protagonists of the initiative, dedicated to “waste hunting” and that saw adults and children visit and snoop around even the most hidden corners of the areas of our city.
Once again it is confirmed, the Councilor concluded, the strong commitment of teachers and therefore of the school on the educational front, aimed, through the promotion of positive values such as environmental protection, in general of good practices, at building the civic consciences of young people and therefore of the citizens of tomorrow".
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