Brescia: “Space for women” the school competition aimed at secondary schools to create a monument dedicated to a woman

The Luigi Micheletti Foundation, in collaboration with the GAPP Project (Gender in action for politics and public policies) and the University of Brescia, and with the patronage of the Department of Educational Policies, Equal Opportunities, Youth Policies and Social Sustainability of the Municipality of Brescia, is organizing the school competition “Spazio alle donne”.

Brescia: “Spazio alle donne” the school competition aimed at secondary schools to create a monument dedicated to a woman.

La Luigi Micheletti FoundationIn partnership with GAPP Project (Gender in action for politics and public policies) and the University of Brescia, and with the patronage of the Department of Educational Policies, Equal Opportunities, Youth Policies and Social Sustainability of the Municipality of Brescia, organizes the school competition “Space for women”, public history project, aimed at secondary schools in the city and province, with the aim of to build a monument dedicated to a woman in Brescia.

The identification of the woman requires an initial moment of historical research and, subsequently, the production of a an essay that illustrates the figure and the work and explains the reasons for the choiceThe aim of the competition is to implement the culture of equality with the younger generations, giving life to a participatory process that involves girls and boys and, at the same time, trigger a reflection on gender discrimination, the history of women, the androcentric character of public and memorial space. In essence, the competition should represent the beginning of a process that, hopefully, will see as its final moment the creation and placement of a monument – ​​statue or installation – dedicated to a woman in Brescia.

The class work will be preceded by three online training sessions (7, 14 and 21 November) for teachers involved or simply interested, coordinated by the Foundation which is an agency accredited by the Ministry of Education and Merit. In particular, during the course the following topics will be touched upon “Gender Inequalities in Italy and Brescia. An Overview of the Situation” edited by Camilla Federici, University of Brescia; “Gender: A Teaching Perspective” with Monica Di Barbora, historian and teacher, and “The Absence of Women in Public and Memorial Space” edited by Ester Lunardon (or other author of the volume “Comunque nude. The representation of women in Italian public monuments”, edited by Ester Lunardon and Ludovica Piazza, Mimesis, 2023).

The paper must be sent by email no later than February 7, 2025 to the Luigi Micheletti Foundation via the address

The communication of the selected projects will be communicated on February 21, 2025.
On March 8, International Women's Day, The selected projects will be exhibited to the citizens and the winning project will be publicly announced during an awards ceremony.

The proposal is part of the Educational Offer Plan that the Foundation proposes every year to secondary school teachers, with training and historiographical refresher seminars, transversal skills paths for orientation and laboratory interventions to support classroom teaching.

All information is available by clicking here.

Brescia: “Spazio alle donne” il concorso scolastico rivolto agli istituti secondari di secondo grado per realizzare un monumento dedicato ad una donna

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