
Belvedere Marittimo: the successful graphic novel series “Il Commissario Mascherpa” was presented. The proceeds from sales will be donated to the Marco Valerio Plan

Opening the event were greetings from the Police Commissioner of Cosenza Giuseppe Cannizzaro, who met the comic book commissioner already in 2019: "I was intrigued by this character who brings positive messages and with his characteristics of a real cop who fascinates young people".

Belvedere Marittimo: the successful graphic novel series “Il Commissario Mascherpa” was presented. The proceeds from sales will be donated to the Marco Valerio Plan.

The State Police, together with the association “The Gold of Calabria” yesterday they presented the successful series of graphic novel “Commissioner Mascherpa”, published by Polizia Moderna, the official magazine of the State Police, at the “Sabbia d'oro” beach in Belvedere Marittimo, right where the first episode was launched in 2017, which is also the place where Mascherpa goes to eat between one investigation and another, even though he has a house and police station in Diamante.

To open the event, greetings from the Police Chief of Cosenza Giuseppe Cannizzaro, who met the comic book commissioner already in 2019: “I was intrigued by this character who brings positive messages and with his characteristics of a real cop who fascinates kids”.

Some people were present in the audience representatives of the Aias section of Belvedere, an association that assists disabled people and disadvantaged minors.

Vincenzo Cascini, Mayor of Belvedere Marittimo, focused on the relationship between institutions and citizens, honoured that his town is also represented in the strips of the graphic novel: “The idea of ​​setting the comic in a land like Calabria, which was little known, is certainly a winning formula – Ernesto Magorno, President of the association L'Oro di Calabria, underlined – and Mascherpa is the prototype of the example to follow: its peculiarity is that of speaking directly to young people and citizens, telling the story of Calabrian excellence”.

To explain the genesis of the project, Annalisa Bucchieri, Director of the magazine Polizia Moderna, who managed to combine the need to reach a younger audience.

The screenwriter of the graphic novel also intervened, Luca Scornaienchi, who explained that when he started working on this project with Polizia Moderna, he was concerned with combining the genre of investigative comics with the popular and serial genre, and that to tell the story of the small reality of the Police Station, had to explore the world of police officers more closely: “I tried to bring out the human side of the character from the stories, with his weaknesses and his relationship with the territory”.

Next to the stage, the historic cartoonist of the Bonelli stable, Daniel Bigliardo, from whose pencil was born the famous Calabrese Commissioner, who performed a live drawing, explaining to the public how the language of comics is very effective and it could even inspire a fiction, even reaching Italian homes.

The realism of the comic and the strong bond of the protagonist with the territory has also been underlined by Dominic Lanzaro, Director of the detached police station of Corigliano Rossano (CS), who attended the initiative.

During the evening there was a small corner with the entire collection of the noir comic and its 6 volumes: The Silver Rose, Black Sea, Bandits, Honored Sanità, The Return of the Scorpion and Christmas Fire.

- sales revenue, as Sara Fascina, publisher of the comic and delegated manager of the State Police Personnel Assistance Fund, declared from the audience, are donated to the Marco Valerio Plan for the support of care for the chronic and degenerative pediatric diseases of the children of members of the State Police.

Belvedere Marittimo: presentata la fortunata serie della graphic novel "Il Commissario Mascherpa". Gli introiti delle vendite saranno devoluti al Piano Marco Valerio

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