Arezzo: “Use your head”, a day dedicated to road safety

Piazza della Libertà, Piazza Duomo and Via Ricasoli, on Thursday 3 October from 8,30:12,30 to XNUMX:XNUMX will become the arena or rather the “circuit” suitable for transmitting the rules to follow on the street.

Arezzo: “Use your head”, a day dedicated to road safety

The sports councilor Federico Scapecchi, the deputy commander of the municipal police and Mario Mazzi of the Arezzo Motorcycle Association have presented “Use your head”, the day dedicated to the third year middle school students for raise awareness on the topic of road safety.

“Events of this type – declared the councilor Chess pieces – fit well into the youth policies carried out by the municipal administration. Let's keep a special eye on future drivers, perhaps some are becoming familiar with two wheels right in these days and weeks, so this type of education is welcome because thanks to it we protect every category of road users, including cyclists and pedestrians”.

Mario Mazzi he gave an overview of the guests at the press conference and expressed the hope that "together we will make it".

“This is the first educational moment – ​​the deputy commander of the PM noted Max Milloni – dedicated to a specific age group but I would like to remind you that thanks to the collaboration with the schools during the year we involve all age groups”.

The initiative is also supported by the Tuscany Region, the Province of Arezzo, the Diocese of Arezzo, Estra, Ser.D., Calcit, Automobile club Arezzo, Coni regional committee of Tuscany. The concepts shared by all were team up and promote respect for the rules and correct behavior.

Liberty Square, Cathedral Square and Ricasoli Street, Thursday 3 October from 8,30 to 12,30 will become the arena or rather the “circuit” suitable for transmit the rules to follow on the street. at 11,30 is scheduled simulation of an accident but there will be no shortage Alcohol state simulations e advice useful on how to choosing a scooter at 14 and riding it safelyAll thanks to the presence of the police, firefighters, 118, provincial school office and Vespa club Arezzo.

“To better understand how important this initiative is – it was also underlined by Stra – just quote one figure: road accidents are the leading cause of death among young people between 15 and 29 years old. They represent approximately 35% of the total. It is clear that this is a topic that should be developed as soon as possible and schools are the right place. For this reason Estra supports the project 'Use your head' which has a strong social and educational impact”.

“In this regard – concluded the president of Aci Bernardo Mennini – with the project 'Aci guida che ti guido' we achieved significant numbers: 13 schools involved, 19 schools and 72 classes, for a total of approximately 1.600 students in the province".

Arezzo: "Usa la testa", una giornata dedicata alla sicurezza stradale

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