Siracusa presents the third edition of Cine Oktober Fest, from 6 to 31 October at the Urban Center and at the Biblios Cafè.

Cine Oktober Fest: an event aimed not only at cinema lovers but also built in an aggregative way for the entire community.

Siracusa presents the third edition of Cine Oktober Fest, from 6 to 31 October at the Urban Center and at the Biblios Cafè.

It was presented to the press yesterday Cinema Oktober Fest, 2023 edition.
The event - now in its third edition, and one of a kind - will take place in Syracuse from 6 to 31 October at the Urban Center, in via Nino Bixio 1 and at the Biblios Cafè, in via del Consiglio Reginale 11.
The Councilor for Culture participated in the presentation Fabio Granata.
“Just as in the best tradition of the 900th century, cultural ferments arise from literary cafés – declared Granata – This seems to me to be the most significant figure of the Cine Oktober Fest, which is a cultured event aimed at cinema lovers but also built in an aggregative way for the entire community, not just the youth of the city. The Urban Center, which the municipal administration makes available, is the perfect space to guarantee the union between an event that originates in a private entertainment venue but is projected as a public event. So, congratulations to the authors of this clever mixture which sees cinema as the protagonist but also brings together other artistic languages ​​such as literature, acting and graphics around it.”
The Syracuse cinema event, conceived and directed by Giuseppe Briffa – president of Post Cinema APS (Social Promotion Association) and by Ludovico Leone – vice president and general project manager – is sponsored by the Municipality of Syracuse in partnership with Siracusa Città Educativa, Urban Center Siracusa and Biblios Cafè Ortigia.
The event – ​​underlines the Post-Cinema president, Giuseppe Briffa – “is proudly an unprecedented unicum in Syracuse, aimed at creating a rebirth in the socio-cultural and artistic panorama, as well as becoming a driving force for the creation of new expressive methods and making the various cultural realities of Syracuse communicate with each other while waiting for the fourth season. In fact, in the pipeline – announced Briffa – cinema-pictorial, video-film art exhibitions and vintage exhibitions”.
“The Post-Cinema association – declared Ludovico Leone – was born in July 2023, but already existed as a cultural movement since 2021. The primary objective is to spread cinematographic culture and the arts connected to it at 360°, proposing a new model of use that combines conferences, projections, live music and theater with easy replicability for all age groups in every place and context with the help of a few means, through collaboration with ever new bodies and associations.”
The 2023 edition of the festival is divided into a long one four guidelines: Scandinavian, Anniversary, Silent ImAge and Post Horror Wave.
In detail:
Scandinavian, dedicated to unpublished, forgotten or yet to be rediscovered Scandinavian cinematographic works released in the last decade.
Anniversary it is the section dedicated to the screening of great classics in the history of cinema which celebrate their release anniversary in 2023; from animation to Scandinavian authorship, up to cyberpunk and the body horror of the eighties.
Silent ImAge, to celebrate the great masterpieces of expressionist silent cinema, with tailor-made cine-concerts. Among others, Murnau's Faust from 1926.
The section dedicated to Post-Horror Wave it will talk about independent films awarded all over the world in the last twenty years, of an authorial nature and with horror undertones, intended for an adult audience and with an undisputed aesthetic value.
During the event, introductory conferences will be offered to the screenings, theatrical readings of passages from the novels from which some of the films in the program were based, with live music by Ludovico Leone.
The board is made up of the president Giuseppe Briffa, the vice president Ludovico Leone and the secretary Valerio Zanghi. The management is supported by the collaborating partners Claudio Pavia (graphic designer), Gianandrea Cama (fundraiser) and Davide Carnemolla (reviewer).
G. Briffa, expert in filmology, video editor, video maker, art director for Sicilian cultural associations, curator of film festivals including "In the mood for Biblios", for the Biblios Cafè in Syracuse. He was artistic director of the New Cinema Museum of Syracuse “Remo Romeo”.
L. Leone, vice president, head of the graphic project and musician, takes care of the live musical inserts during the events. Graphic designer and independent director, he has four short films to his credit, several literary, poetic and non-fiction works; he is also curator of the exhibition “Post-Cinema: Imagination, Exploration, Experimentation”.
V. Zanghi, secretary, electronic engineer specialized in ecology, is coordinator of events on environmental issues linked to the ecological transition.
Collaborates on the project with Post Cinema and the VAN association (Verso Altri Narrazioni) also participates in the event, to promote theatrical dissemination through cinematographic tools, creating an ingenious collaboration between cinema and theatre.

CineOktoberFest 2023 will be held in two locations, Biblios Café in Ortigia, Via del Consiglio Reginale 11 and at theUrban Center in Via Nino Bixio 1.


Content Sections:
Intro Cartoons
• Betty Boop Dark Show
• Disney Horror Silly Symphonies
• Looney Tunes USA War Propaganda
• Felix The Black Cat
First Evening (Urban Center)
Silent ImAGE
First Evening (Biblios Cafè) / Second Evening (Urban Center)
Post-Horror Wave

6 October:
Disney Horror Silly Symphonies
BABES IN THE WOODS by Burt Gillet (1932)
Betty Boop Dark Show
SNOW-WHITE by Dave Fleischer (1933)
Anniversary (85 years)
SNOW WHITE by David Hand (1938)
Post-Horror Wave
GRETEL AND HANSEL by Oz Perkins (2020)

7 October:
Betty Boop Dark Show
THE MAN AND THE OLD MOUNTAIN by Dave Fleischer (1933)
THE SUSPECT by Thomas Vinterberg (2012)
Post-Horror Wave
IT FOLLOWS by David Robert Mitchell (2014)
8 October:
• Disney Horror and Silly Symphonies
DER FUEHRER'S FACE by Jack Kinney (1943)
Silent I• mAGE
FAUST by WF Murnau (1929)
• Post-Horror wave
BABADOOK by Jennifer Kent (2014)
20 October:
• Disney Horror and Silly Symphonies
HELL'S BELLS by Ub Iwerks(1929)
• Anniversary (50 years)
THE EXORCIST by William Friedkin (1973)
• Post-Horror wave
A GHOST STORY by David Lowery (2017)
21 October:
• Betty Boop Dark Show
MINNIE THE MOOCHER by Dave Fleischer (1932)
film – Anniversary (40 years)
VIDEODROME by David Cronemberg (1983)
• Post-Horror wave
COME TRUE by Anthony Scott Burns (2021)
22 October:
• Felix The Black Cat
SWITCHES WITCHES by Otto Messmer (1927)
• Silent ImAGE
HÀXAN by Benjamin Christensen (1922)
• Post-Horror wave
THE WITCH by Robert Eggers (2014)
• Annotated selection of readings taken from Malleus Maleficarum (The Witches' Hammer)
treatise published in 1487 by friars Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger
edited by VAN Verso Altri Narrations
27 October:
• Betty Boop Dark Show
POOR CINDERELLA by Dave Fleischer (1934)
• Scandinavian
• Post-Horror wave
THELMA by Joachim Trier (2017)
28 October:
Disney Horror and Silly Symphonies
THE SKELETON DANCE by Walt Disney (1929)
Anniversary (55 years)
THE HOUR OF THE WOLF by Ingmar Bergman (1968)
• Reasoned selection of readings taken from The Magic Lantern by Ingmar Bergman
edited by VAN Verso Altri Direzioni
29 October:
• Betty Boop Dark Show
HA HA HA! by Dave Fleischer (1934)
• Silent ImAGE
THE PASSION OF JOAN OF ARC by Carl Theodor Dreyer(1922)
• Post-Horror wave
MIDSOMMAR by Ari Aster (2019)
31 October
A video-music excursus on the occasion of the anniversary (45 years since the US release) of the cult film,
celebrated throughout the world, Halloween – The Night of the Witches (1978).
The program includes in order: a reasoned digression of Carpenter's entire filmography, with contributions
video graphics created specifically for the occasion with live musical accompaniment (synth, bass, guitar)
of the soundtracks that characterized the works of the author in question, since he himself was and is
composer. In the late evening there will be a screening of the film
• Anniversary (45 years)
HALLOWEEN by John Carpenter (1978)

CineOktoberFest conference series
“The last avant-garde in the history of cinema”
10 October
SWALLOW by Carlo Mirabella-Davis (2020)
11 October
THE NEON DEMON by Nicholas Refn (2017)
12 October
HEREDITARY by Ari Aster (2015)
13 October
A GIRLS WALKS HOME ALONE AT NIGHT by Ana Lily Amipour (2014)
14 October
MOTHER! by Darren Aronofsky (2017)
17 October
A CLASSIC HORROR STORY by Roberto De Feo, Paolo Strippoli (2021)
18 October
FAVOLACCE by Fratelli D'Innocenzo (2020)
19 October
SICILIAN GHOST STORY by Fabio Grassadonia, Antonio Piazza (2017)
On the days of 17, 18 and 19 October we will have the honor of hosting Carmelo Mallorca for a brief historical excursus on
organized crime (Calabrian 'ndragheta, suburban Roman crime, Sicilian mafia).
24 October
THE LIGHTHOUSE by Robert Eggers (2019)
25 October
THE SACRIFICE OF THE SACRED DEER by Yorgos Lanthimos (2017)
26 October
UNDER THE SKIN by Jonathan Glazer (2013)

Siracusa presenta la terza edizione di Cine Oktober Fest , dal 6 al 31 ottobre all'Urban Center e al Biblios Cafè.

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