Milano: Pink October, the month dedicated to breast cancer prevention
The official launch of the breast cancer prevention campaign at Palazzo Pirelli. Spelzini (Lega): "The role of Psycho-oncology is fundamental".
Milano: Pink October, the month dedicated to breast cancer prevention
It starts on Tuesday 1st October, Pink October, the month dedicated to breast cancer prevention. To promote this important initiative, Pirelli Palace, as every year, dedicated the opening of the Regional Council to the theme of the importance of prevention, inviting the councilors to wear the pin pink bow, which has always represented its symbol.
“The Pink Month,” explains the councilor of the League Gigliola Spelzini, which coordinates the Intergroup Council “Together against Cancer” - is not only an awareness campaign aimed at all women, but it is also an appeal that we make to the Institutions, so that they intensify their efforts to guarantee adequate information on what represents the most widespread neoplasia among women. And it is precisely thanks to prevention and timely diagnoses, as well as to medical progress, that today it is possible to significantly reduce mortality linked to this pathology.
There is, however, an aspect that is too often underestimated – he underlines Spelzini – but which is instead very important: the psychological impact that the disease has on patients. A tumor does not only have physical implications, but also emotional ones. And these implications necessarily involve and upset the balance of the entire family unit. Precisely for this reason, together with the 24 councilors of all political parties that make up the Intergroup, we are drafting a document to promote, within the Lombardy oncology network, the activation of a specific training course aimed at psychologists, to ensure that they acquire all the skills necessary to manage in a highly qualified manner every facet that oncological disease can cause. We believe, in fact, that "psycho-oncology" plays a fundamental role, and it is also scientifically proven that support that helps patients manage stress, fear and anxiety can improve not only the quality of life of the patients themselves, but even positively influence therapies. The document – concludes Spelzini – should be brought to the floor in November and then submitted to the vote of the Regional Council”.
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