Frosinone: Chinese university delegation received in the Municipality. The mayor: “Full support for the Cultural Center for Central Italy”
"Now our horizon (after Rome, Milano and Florence) moves to Frosinone and its prestigious cultural institutions" explained Professor Li Hangping, leader of the Chinese delegation.
Frosinone: Chinese university delegation received in the Municipality. The mayor: “Full support for the Cultural Center for Central Italy”.
A Chinese cultural delegation was received in the Municipality, in Frosinone, by the mayor Riccardo Mastrangeli, as part of the project of a Cultural Center for Central Italy promoted by "Learn Italy", a cultural agency from Frosinone with headquarters in New York.
The Delegation (with representatives of various Chinese universities, from Beijing to Shanghai) was received by the mayor in the council chamber, together with Professor Cesare Marinacci (representing the “Licinio Refice” Conservatory of Music), Dr. Biagio Pascarella (University of Cassino and Lower Lazio), by professor Clelia Giliberto (coordinator of Learn Italy courses).
The Chinese delegation was led by Professor Li Hangping, who explained: "The purpose of our visit is to develop our collaboration with Learn Italy, investing more and more energy throughout Italy. Now our horizon (after Rome, Milano and Florence) moves to Frosinone and its prestigious cultural institutions".
“It is our intention – continued the president of the delegation – to continue collaborating with the Academy of Fine Arts and for this I want to thank the Director Loredana Rea for her extraordinary work. But now, given the results achieved, it is our intention (as part of our strategic commitment to Frosinone) to begin a fruitful collaboration with the Licinio Refice Conservatory of Music and with the University Centre. A special thank you goes to Learn Italy who gave us the opportunity to make us love this city by giving us the opportunity to appreciate all its cultural peculiarities".
“The meeting with the Chinese delegation – began the mayor, Riccardo Mastrangeli – is a rare and important opportunity for the growth of our territory. And, at the same time, it is a certificate of esteem towards three cultural institutions particularly close to the heart of this administration, such as the Academy, the Conservatory and the University. I hope that this collaboration can continue and improve, because cultural exchanges represent the lifeblood that promotes the growth of future generations. Today – added the mayor – we have more than 500 students from the East who have integrated well into our historic centre. They are young people who live well in our city which has never had prejudices towards children from other nations. On the contrary: our propensity to welcome has roots in our thousand-year-old culture, so I confirm my total availability towards this ambitious cultural project".
"Nor should it be forgotten – observed Professor Massimo Veccia, Honorary President of Learn Italy – that Frosinone is one of the safest cities in Italy, a fact confirmed by recent national statistics. And this aspect is particularly important for the peace of mind of parents and families who decide to send their children to study in Frosinone. The project – added Professor Veccia – now includes new meetings in China (in March and July) to which representatives of the Conservatory, the Academy and the University have been invited".
The invitation was immediately accepted by Professor Cesare Marinacci who recalled how the Conservatory of Music is already hosting 80 foreign students mostly from China. “This is because – added Professor Marinacci – oriental students are fascinated by the music and art of our country”.
And Dr. Pascarella concluded: “Our University has had a significant increase in foreign students (over a thousand) and everyone is extremely satisfied with our welcome. In particular, here in Frosinone, the canteen, recently inaugurated by Mayor Mastrangeli, is particularly appreciated".
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